"You alright, (Y/N)?" He asked after having a few seconds to himself to collect some air, seeing you look to him before bringing your head back slowly.
For a second he heard your breathing get caught in your throat, getting concerned before he heard a faint snort come from you, followed by a giggle which turned into a loud laugh.

"Oh my-That was intense!" You laughed some more, keeping your head back as Chris couldn't help but feel amused by your little outburst.

"That was like-like that one scene! That one scene from Indiana Jones!" You bursted out with another small fit of giggles, feeling your chest flood with a sparkling sensation that ran up to the top of your head down to the tips of your toes.
Chris, who propped himself up slightly on his left elbow, stared at you with a growing smirk on his face. "Wait, you like Indiana Jones?"

"You kidding?" You looked at him as your giggles died down. "Of course. Used to stay up and watch it on nights my parents weren't home, they never really liked it. Why, I don't look the type?"

"Nah nah," Chris scoffed playfully, shaking his head, "You do look like you have a hell of a secret geeky side to you though."

"Oh please," You giggled again, seeing the man's smile only grow, "I'm not full out nerdy or anything, but I do have a minor geeky side."

It was Chris's turn to let out a rather handsome chuckle, making your chest flood with an additional burst of warmth. Your giggles died down by the time you noticed the exact position you were in with Chris. Both of you were still laying together on the ground considerably close together, breaking the boundaries that didn't really exist anymore. You felt your body still against his, having you feel his warmth and pick up on his rather spicy almost citrusy scent of his cologne. Being this close made you notice that his eyes looked like they almost changed color depending where you looked and where you guys were.

Chris had been noticing similar details of you while you kept your attention on him. Having you this close especially with the way he held you made him notice just how small your body was compared to his. He almost didn't want to admit how holding you so close to him made him feel things he didn't want to admit were there. A faint bubbly sensation in his stomach, a spark of warmth in his chest that grew the more he looked at your face, taking in the color of your skin and the glimmer in your eyes.

You kept quiet as you looked at Chris, seeing something change in the way he looked at you. The sweet, soft and caring look in his eyes seemed to blur, quickly being replaced by something a bit different. The best way you could describe it was sensual, romantic almost.
You ignored the fact that you found yourself leaning a bit closer to Chris, and if you truly paid attention, he was doing the same.

Your noses almost touched, but their was some hesitation on both your parts. Chris hesitated because this was you, a young beautiful woman that sent his heart beating faster than the boulder had done, or any other close brush with death that you saved him from various times. At the same time, the last thing he wanted to do was something you didn't feel comfortable doing, his self control was beyond patient.

You on the other hand, hesitated because he was your superior, a handsome man who's saved you countless times and understood you more than anyone else in the world. You were afraid that this action you found yourself wanting to do was gonna be rejected, but he was leaning closer too.

Before you knew it, the man's lips brushed against yours, capturing you in a slow, soft kiss.

What turned out to be a few second kiss stopped momentarily before it began again with another, and then another. You were quick to notice his hand slowly placing itself on your hip and staying there, refraining from moving anywhere else out of worry Chris would end up scaring you. To his surprise, you maneuvered your hand to rest behind him, staying on the nape of his neck, your fingers gingerly slipping through his hair.

Both of you were certain you could hear just how frantic your heartbeats were, but the care was nonexistent in that moment.

Chris was almost reluctantly the first to break away slowly, opening his eyes to see you looking up at him. You felt like your face and body was on fire, unable to believe what you had just done with Chris.

We kissed. I just kissed him, we just kissed each other.

Chris was quiet, his raging thoughts just as similar as yours. He kissed you, and he felt like he was burst. Everything about it was.. interesting. All in good ways of course. Your lips were just as soft as they looked, and he couldn't help but taste a hint of sweet strawberry from the licorice.

Wait. We can't be doing this.

"I'm sorry." His words felt like an icy jab through your chest, watching as he looked away from you and moved his hands away. Slowly, you moved yourself to sit upright as Chris got up onto his knees.

You were confused. Why'd he look so... bothered?

"Was it.. bad?" You spoke those words before realizing what you said, gasping a little and keeping your mouth shut as Chris looked at you with shock.

"No!" He blurted out, making you jump a little at the sudden raise of tone. He attempted to speak but instead let out a small failed exhale, slowly shaking his head.

"No. It wasn't. It was... it was everything but bad," Chris managed to get out, worried about saying the wrong things in fear of hurting you, "It just.. Damnit. This just wasn't the right place."

Oh. You kept quiet as you thought about it, all while watching Chris reach over and pick up the flamethrower that left your hands at some point.

"So.. what would have been a proper place?" You proceeded to ask slowly, seeing Chris lower his head almost shyly.

"A park," He began, "Or a restaurant. Hell, the back of the car seats at a drive-in theatre. Especially on a date, but my point is... the kiss wasn't wrong, this timing was."

"Oh." It was then you began to understand, slowly finding yourself agreeing with him. The two of you only just kissed because of living in the afterglow of yet another near death experience. But still, the two of you kissed.

"I'm sorry Chris."

"Don't be." He replied while getting up, reaching his hand out to you with a soft smile. The passionate spark in his eyes before were gone, replaced by the soft gentle expression he usually had before when he spoke to you.

As you took his hand, you could only hope that want just happened didn't make things awkward between the two of you. Chris said he wasn't against it, and you sure weren't telling by the warmth still in your cheeks. You just hoped that it wouldn't change anything between the both of you, along with wondering why Chris acted so strangely after the kiss was broken.

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