"Sure you can," I reply with a smile.

She places her hand on top of mine, and we hold hands the rest of the way there.

I pull into the restaurants parking lot, and step out. I rush over to her door and open it for her, and I move to the back to remove Tara from her seat.

Tara giggles as soon as she sees me, and I tickle her. She screams in laughter.

I feel arms wrap around my stomach from behind. Delilah runs her hands slowly up my sides, and back down.

Fuck the dinner, I just want to be alone with him.

She's being naughty.

Her hands continue to go lower, until they are on my belt.

"Delilah, I," I don't know what else to say, because I definitely don't want her to stop.

She removes her hands, and I turn around to see her looking down to her toes.

I was doing too much, I should have known.

"No Delilah, you weren't, I just want this to be a special night. I wanna show you how you should be treated. I promise we will get to that later tonight, just when we get back to campus..." I grab Tara and close the car door, then I lift her chin with my hand and look into her eyes.

"Or maybe," I say with a smile. "We could drop Tara off with my cousin for the night, and me and you could get a hotel room." I smile naughtily, and hey checks burn red.

Yes please

Hotel it is then.

I take her hand, and we walk to the entrance. I hold the door open for her, and our date begins.

As dinner was coming to an end, I text my cousin, Rebecca, and tell her to come to the restaurant to pick up Tara.

"So," says Delilah casually.

"What's this thing that mates can do? You said you'd show me tonight."

She was referring to mindlink. I was gonna show her how to mindlink tonight.

I smile and look to Tara who was eating a bowl of icecream.

"It's called a mindlink. Basically, it's like calling and talking on a phone, but we can do it in our minds." Delilah's expression is confused.

"Here, let me show you." I close my eyes and think of Delilah's face.


Delilah's eyes widen as she received my message.

"H-how did you do that?" She asks.

"Well what you do, is you concentrate really hard, and you think of my name, my face, or whatever, and you think of the message you want to say. Give it a try."

Delilah closes her eyes and concentrates really hard.

I don't get any messages for a moment, so I thought she didn't understand, until finally...


She looks to me and I smile.

So what do you think? We can talk anywhere, anytime.

This is so weird, are you getting this? I'm just picturing your face.

Yes love, I'm getting it.

Me and Delilah held eye contact the entire time, so to any passerbyer, it might appear we are lost in each other's eyes, but a mindlink is one of the most intimate things a mate will do.

Of course, you could mindlink others, but it's different with a mate.

I get an incoming mindlink from my cousin.

"Im here and I'm coming in."

My cousin is here to take Tara. Don't worry, she will be in good hands.

Delilah nods and stands, and takes Tara in here arms.

"Hi cutie, are you ready to make a new friend? You better be good tonight."

"Don't worry, she will be," says Rebecca. Delilah turns , and smiles.

"Nice to see you again," Delilah says politely.

"This must be Tara? You are much cuter than the last time I saw you," Rebecca says as she pokes Tara's belly.

Delilah places a kiss on Tara's forehead, and hands her over to Rebecca.

"Y'all have a nice night," Rebecca says as she leaves.

Delilah turns to me, and smiles.

"Ready?" She asks.

"Of course!" I say.

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