Chapter 26 - Wren (Part 1)

Start from the beginning

"What is it?" Wren asked patiently, even though he was tired. Speaking was difficult for Tala and the man had been downright avoiding touching him at night while he was in too much pain. It was no real surprise that he was all over him the moment he'd told him the pain was bearable.

"How do I make you want me?" Tala asked, and before he even finished the sentence, Wren snorted a laugh. The responding growl shook Wren's back pleasantly, and Tala would have likely tried to half murder him if he wasn't in so much pain.

"Your brain is the most confusing ping pong ball I've ever had to deal with, Tala," Wren said through his laughter. "I thought we already covered this."

"We did not," Tala hissed and tightened his arms around him, but only because all of his muscles were tensed in frustration again. "You said it was okay if I touched you, and that you were okay with being mine, but you have also explicitly stated that you were not interested in... doing anything with me."

"When did I..." Wren racked his brain until he recalled the time Tala had come down to the dungeons to touch him for the first time. Nothing about it had been sexual for Tala considering he was just that daft, but Wren had taken it that way and lashed out at him. "Talamayas..."Wren breathed out in disbelief. "That was forty years ago. Do you forget nothing I've ever said?"

"I do not," Talamayas said curtly, and then he turned into a statue behind him–no growl, no dark fluctuating energy, just still. "Do you think I'm... perverted?"

"Tala, you embody the dictionary definition of perversion" –the words had Tala's hand clutching Wren's stomach painfully until he continued– "but I thought it was clear that I accepted that. If it was not, then I will make it so." Wren eased a breath into his sternum when Tala unclenched his hand. "I have zero interest in being celibate for the rest of my life, Talamayas Sol, and I will take every moment of your perversion as long as it is intended to facilitate pleasure for us both."

In the darkness, Tala moved his hand up the front of his mage attire until he found his chin, his skin was near scalding as he turned Wren's face back. There was no hesitance as Tala dropped his lips on his and pulled him closer, dark magic caressing his lips, but more so, heat scalding the soft flesh.

Tala devoured him, pressing and prodding until his tongue was in his mouth and wrapped with his, tasting and eating him from the inside out. It was so hot that Wren kept having to retreat, and each time, Tala refused to let him–turning him on his back, lying on top of him, and forcing his tongue further until there was nowhere for Wren to flee. Tala only backed off when he was gasping for air, and it forced Wren to stare up into the crimson of Tala's hungry eyes as he waited for his prey. When Tala closed them, the room sunk into complete darkness, and Wren panted as he waited but Tala didn't move.

"Do you like that I can't see you?" Wren rasped, shifting his gaze but finding nothing.

"If I said yes?" Tala whispered into his ear so abruptly that Wren's heart stuttered.

"You enjoy frightening me..." Wren realized, but it should have been expected.

"And if I did?" Talamayas asked, trailing his hands down Wren's side. "If I liked the way your quickened breath felt against my skin, the rush of your blood pumping through your veins, and the moisture as you perspire?"

Wren tightened his muscles reflexively as the smell of ash wafted into the air. His clothes searing under Tala's touch, the smoldering remains glimmering before they joined the shadows around him. The desire was slick enough in Talamayas voice that Wren knew he liked it, but the question was real as was the hint of trepidation in exposing desires that might turn Wren away.

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