"Taehyung!" The whole team started running towards where the two were.

"Are you alright?" They all exclaimed at once, worry and sincerity spreads across their face as they looked at Taehyung.

Jungkook looked at them. His eyes averted from Taehyung who was telling them he was alright with a hrin on his face and while scratching his head. Jungkook turns to the group who had a genuine worry in their eyes.

"Hmmm..." he found himself humming to himself,"What in the hell is this..." he muttered to himself. He sure can put all the pieces together to understand what was happening.

"We should evacuate immediately before anyone of us gets hurt!" Kirea ordered the whole force that they were with.

While everyone was hurriedly getting out of there Jungkook stayed behind and stared at the back of everyone leaving. There was something about what happened just now that has caught his attention. He thought none of them saw Taehyung fall, but everyone did,"and they didn't do anything." He thought looking back.

"Jungkook!" Taehyung called for his name.

Jungkook looked up and met Taehyung's eyes. Taehyung was standing there by the platform of the spaceship just looking at him. When Jungkook looked at him for quite some time, Taehyung's eyebrows furrowed in confusion.

"Hey!" Taehyung shouted again,"Are you not coming?" He asked in confusion.

Jungkook shaked his head and jogged his way to where the others were. Everything went smoothly after that. They all carried the patients and equipments right inside the spaceship. Jungkook carefully watched the movements of everyone with keen eyes.

He was walking up to front while observing everyone's movements,"Nothing new." He softly spoke to himself and when he was now standing right in front of the controls, he had heard the voice of Kirea.

"It's finally over." Kirea said standing by the far front.

Jungkook moved his head up forward from scanning the place and so did everybody else. They all stood up as they heard Kirea announce that. They all looked outside and like a ray of sunshine, though it was still dark, a huge blinding light invaded the whole city.

The atmosphere started changing. The heavy feeling became lighter. The punishers started disappearing into the corners and right in the air. The creatures that caused riot on the city mewled and shaked their heads, returning back to normal as they slowly go back to where they all came from as if they never did anything.

A wisp of cold air blew over the place indicating the end of the day.

Most of everyone looked at each other. They didn't know if they were to rejoice or just remain quiet, but to their surprise some of the them howled in joy saying,"We survived!" As it meant they can still fight for their freedom and a second life.

Everyone runs unto the huge glass windows and looked outside, from there you can see the triumphant looks of everyone on the ground. They all looked happy and rejoiced very loudly, all at the same time, like winning a victory.

They didn't care about those that were dead or those that were badly hurt. They all just cared for their own selves and nothing more.

Jungkook moved his eyes from them to the people that were in front of everyone else. The group of Croncile. He wanted to see what their reactions were but he couldn't.

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