Terrified of causing further distress, she wove a web of lies when Ginny inquired, though she suspected Ginny saw through her deceit. Still, Ginny mercifully refrained from probing deeper.

As the moon cast eerie shadows, Ginny finally rose, her voice laced with unease. "Ready to go, Mione? It's getting dark."."

"Indeed, Gin," Hermione replied, masking her anxiety.

Ginny turned to Luna and Neville, her expression marked by a mix of gratitude and trepidation. "Thanks, you two! Today has been amazing!,"she said, her smile strained.

Luna beamed, radiating an eerie serenity. ""It's been wonderful having you here!"

Hermione managed a smile, though her thoughts remained chaotic. "Till we meet again!" she said,

With a palpable sense of foreboding, Ginny and Hermione made their way to the front door, Luna and Neville trailing behind, their farewells hanging in the heavy, apprehensive air. Then, with a thunderous CRACK, they vanished into the night.


As Hermione was about to step into the burrow, Ginny intercepted her, her expression filled with concern.

"Hey, 'Mione, I can tell something's bothering you. You know you can confide in me, right? I'm your friend, and I care about you."

Hermione sighed, meeting Ginny's worried gaze. "I appreciate that, Ginny, but honestly, I'm fine and I told you that, I don't know what you are expecting me to say!"

Ginny nodded, her suspicion lingering in her eyes, but she didn't press further.

Together, they made their way inside the burrow.

As Hermione headed towards her room, she couldn't help but notice Percy and Ron desperately attempting various spells to break George's enchantment on the door. Her eyes then landed on Harry, sitting on a couch. When their eyes met, he swiftly rose and approached her,

"What about after dinner, 'Mione?" Harry stammered, his voice tinged with nervousness.

"Um, sure, Harry," she replied, her thoughts racing as she wondered why Harry seemed so insistent. Could it be something important he wanted to discuss?

Harry managed a strained smile, but Hermione's attempt at reciprocating turned into an awkward, almost pained expression. She was still reeling from shock. In an attempt to avoid drawing attention, she hurriedly walked away, avoiding eye contact with Harry. She didn't want to arouse suspicion or trouble anyone further during this difficult time.

Upon reaching her room, she hastily slammed the door shut and locked it, her heart pounding with anxiety.

She couldn't help but obsessively dwell on what had occurred in the forest.

Aren't they supposed to be locked away in the dreaded Azkaban prison?
What sinister motives could have brought them to that eerie forest?
Could they have somehow managed to escape Azkaban's clutches?
Is their presence in the forest a sinister pursuit of her?
Are they lurking in the shadows, biding their time, concealed from sight?

Countless relentless questions swarmed her troubled mind, overwhelming her with anxiety. She found herself compelled to retreat to the safety of her bed, a refuge from the tumultuous storm of her thoughts.

Seated there, she embarked on an exhausting mental marathon of introspection. Perhaps, during her upcoming outing with Harry, she could summon the courage to inquire about the Death Eater whereabouts.

In search of solace, she contemplated diverting her thoughts through the pages of a book. Determinedly, she plucked a tome from her bookshelf and began to read. However, her concentration wavered, and frustration began to mount. The same paragraph incessantly eluded her comprehension, as her mind relentlessly nagged at the forest mysteries.

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