,, - hikaru nara ; xq, cy, bnt, x, cld

Start from the beginning


( ten years later )

"xiaaaao, honey, have you seen my books?" ganyu called from the study room as she looked around old boxes. she had been on a reading streak lately, but got immersed in working that she forgot about her reading hobby and put away her books. she assumed her husband had packed them away.

xiao, who was reading in the room next to the study, shook his head to himself. "no, i haven't. i don't touch your books." he yelled to her.

ganyu sighed and fumbled through the boxes more. she picked herself up and stood on the chairs to reach the top shelf. she was far too short to reach the top, so she tipped her feet slightly, but the chair wobbled.

unable to grab onto anything, the chair gave in and she fell straight down, pulling down whatever boxes and old files that were on the shelf. she landed with a loud thud along with the immense loudness of the landing of books, boxes, files, and chair.

xiao, having heard the commotion, immediately came running into the room. he slammed the door opened and looked at ganyu, who was slightly in tears because of the harsh fall.

xiao flew to her and held her aching body as he slightly made her sit up. "hey hey, are you okay? did you break anything?"

"n-no.. the shelves aren't broke-"

"i meant you, dumbass," he said quietly as he planted a kiss on the top of her head, stroking her head. he knew how clumsy ganyu was, but he never expected her to actually hurt herself this badly.

"i didn't..." she said with a grunt as she moved her body. she managed to sit up without much effort, and was relieved to have escaped with just a slight bruise on her waist. "ahhh.. i should be more careful..."

"you should, especially when you're pregnant next time, alright?" he said sternly, with hints of softness. he was just about to help her up when something shiny caught his eyes. he turned his head and saw a shiny tube beneath the box.

"what is it?" ganyu asked, staring at whatever he was staring at.

xiao pushed the box away and his eyes widened slightly. while his eyes scanned his old white flute from back in the days, memories of his high school life with all his old friends and his band started to flood back to him. it was all too emotional, and he couldn't help but choke back a  tear.

he quickly picked up the flute and tossed it away; slightly in anger and in sadness. he turned to his wife and then carried her up in his arms. "never mind, let's just get you to bed."

xiao didn't want to think of anything anymore; not after seeing his old flute. he wanted to forget, and he swore he would. he just wanted to get his wife back to bed, kiss her goodnight, and read away the lost sorrows. besides, he had somewhere to be tomorrow anyway.


"i swear, if they don't start adjusting movies in this stupid app i'm going to scream,"

"oh don't get so worked up yun yun, its just a movie."

chongyun, in anger, threw his pillow towards the wall as he huffed. he sat crossed-legged on the bed as he folded his arms at the tablet in front of him while xingqiu laid on his shoulder next to him, reading his book.

神. ❛ 𝐠𝐞𝐧𝐬𝐡𝐢𝐧 𝐢𝐦𝐚𝐠𝐢𝐧𝐞𝐬 𝐈Where stories live. Discover now