18 | Blue Eyes, Green Eyes

Start from the beginning

After a few moments of internally praying, she decided they were less likely to harm a child if she wasn't associated with her. Siv was a good child, she'd listen to her if she told her to stay put and be quiet. With one last kiss to her forehead, Summer made sure Siv was hidden and took off after her husband.


"I swear on everything I've ever had, I don't remember anything!"

Thor scoffed at his brother's trickery once again... and coming back from the dead, again. "What's the last thing you remember?"

He was silent a moment as his brain reeled back to his old memories. "You were to become king. That's the last I remember."

Thor's eyebrows furrowed, quite surprised by his brother's response. "That's ridiculous. That was over a decade ago. What do you remember after that?"

"Next thing I knew I was kissing a woman I never met and a child called me her father." He croaked, clearly shaken up. That's what was the most shocking and confusing thing to the Avengers. They've never seen Loki in this state before. He was trembling with anxiety, his leg constantly bounced up in down in the upmost stress, and his eyes were blood shot. Not only was he scared, but he was also being vulnerable.

Thor couldn't even get out his next question before Summer blew her cover. Wanda found her and made quick work to restrain her. "No, please! Please don't hurt him! Let us go!"

Peter's jaw dropped. "That's Summer, the missing woman!"

"That's her! That's the woman! And the kid is on the ship!" Loki stammered, an accusing finger pointed in her direction.

It felt like Summer just knocked the wind out of her with just his words. He really didn't remember her after several years, marriage, and a child together. She stumbled towards him and Wanda let her, but walked behind her to keep her hands behind her back. "Loki.... you really don't remember me, baby? You're my husband. We have a baby girl together- a kingdom you made to rule together."

His eyes gradually widened with each word that fell out of her mouth, and then she was able to notice. "Your eyes. They're.... blue. They're normally green."

It was a small feature Thor hadn't noticed before. He knew his brother's eyes were naturally blue, he wasn't sure what she was talking about.

Thor turned to her and whispered, "Summer, if you wish to help your husband, please follow Wanda willingly. No harm will come to you or your daughter, I just want to ask you some things so we can fix this." He looked at her pleadingly.

No. This had to be a trick. The Avengers weren't to be trusted. Was this another test Loki set up? Thor seemed to notice the apprehension as she stared at Loki, pleadingly. She wanted his permission.

Thor gestured to his brother, hoping he'd get the hint. "If you wish to help," Loki breathed shakily. "Do as they say. Answer any questions they have."

Tears stung the backs of her eyes as she whispered, "but... but you said I'm not supposed to-"

"Forget what I said, because I certainly have." Loki cut her off. "Answer every question they ask you."

Summer's never been so confused. She wanted to fight and stay put for her husband, but what was the use when he didn't even want her there? Maybe Thor could actually help. Fighting back sobs, she took one last glance at her husband, and let Wanda led her away.


"He said I'm not supposed to speak to you, or even speak about you." Summer's voice came out quiet and shaky from where she was, curled into a ball on a couch.

The room they had her in was secure, but not like the cell she was in last time. They had her in a lounge of sorts. Since she was human, she really wasn't much of a threat to the earth's mightiest heroes. On top of that, whether she saw it this way or not, she was the victim. While they still had to be cautious, there was no need for a cell.

"How long ago was that?" Thor asked her, gently, on the couch opposite from her.

She sniffled, her eyes staring blankly at the ground. "Since forever."

He hummed at that. "But today he has said something different, yes?"

With furrowed brows, she hesitantly said, "I don't know why."

He sighed and gave her a moment before he asked, "do you remember what happened when you were here last time?"

Slowly, her eyes rose to meet his gaze. "When I was here last time?" Then, it dawned on her. Her face dropped, as did her heart. "It was real?"

"What do you remember?"

Quiet tears one by one began to fall down her cheeks as she recalled it all. "I remember the love potion, but he made me believe I was crazy for it. After he stabbed me when he was trying to escape the tower.... or at least I thought he stabbed me.... he must have somehow wiped my memory because the next thing I knew, I had woken to him telling me we had our baby girl, when at the time I had just found out I was pregnant." She rambled on.

Thor hummed at that and rubbed his beard in thought. "So that's probably six months of your life, you just forgot?"

"I-It's crazy, I know-"

"So is a love potion..." he trailed off with a sad smile. "But unfortunately, love potions and memory wiping apparently both exist.... tell me, Summer, do you love my brother?"

"Yes." She replied instantly- almost defensively. Slowly, her posture sagged the more she thought about it. "Well, it feels like love. I've forgotten about the potion over the years because it- umm.... I don't know...." she laughed, pathetically, and wiped the tears with the end of her sleeves. "The love potion not only makes me love him, but it also covers my eyes to all the bad he's done. There's always an answer to everything he does. I can see he genuinely loves me in his own way. I know he's-" she cut herself off.

She shouldn't be saying this. Not after everything Loki's done for her. He'd be disappointed in her. "I love him." She shrugged and her body began to tremble as sobs wracked against her chest. "Thor, I have a daughter with him. What am I going to do?"

He casted his eyes away, his heart broken by her words. He cared deeply for his brother, and whether he liked it or not, Summer and their daughter were family now too. "I don't know yet." He admitted, truthfully. "I'll be back soon." He spoke and left the room.

The rest of the avengers had listened in on the interrogation through the cameras, but Thor ignored their questions and walked right past them. He headed straight towards the one person he knew wouldn't lie to him, because she was too innocent and had no reason to do so.


Who do you think Thor is going to go see??

Please don't forget to comment and vote!! Lemme know what you think!

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