Chapter 61: Weakened Wills

Start from the beginning

Y/N, Ruby, and Oscar look down sadly before walking to join the others.

They all proceed down the trail as the snow starts to pick up more.

Qrow: (sighs) Doesn't look like this is gonna let up.

Blake: Just wanna get this stupid Relic to Atlas.

Weiss: Let's hope we don't have to walk all the way there.

Yang: (to Maria, sarcastically) I thought trails led somewhere.

Maria: Do you have nothing better to do than to harass a defenseless old lady?

Ruby: Everyone, quiet. Do you hear that?

Everyone stops in their tracks as metallic squeaking can be heard in their approach.

A large farm can be seen, one of the front gates swings back and forth with the wind. A large sign above the entrance reads "BRUNSWICK FARMS". Everyone arrives at the gate.

Blake: Well, at least one good thing happened today.

Weiss: It looks abandoned.

Ruby: It's still better than this.

Qrow: Come on, I think we could all use some rest.

Everyone proceeds through the farm's gates, with Qrow being the last to enter. The snow starts to pick up even more as the gate is heard closing with a metallic clang.

Cinder can be seen entering a tavern as she meets with Lil' Miss Malachite.

Cinder: Do you have my information?

Lil' Miss: Of course I do, darling. Lil' Miss always delivers. Although, I can't promise you'll be pleased.

Cinder glares at her.

Lil' Miss: Word is they were seen boarding the Argus Limited a few weeks back. While that isn't exactly far from here, Argus is rarely a destination for folks. Chances are they'll be going straight to--

Cinder: Atlas.

Cinder walks away while Lil' Miss smiles at her intuitiveness.

Lil' Miss: You know, you turned out to be quite the interesting customer... Cinder.

Cinder stops in her tracks upon hearing her name. She turns around to face Lil' Miss again.

Lil' Miss: It's not often a single client brings me double the business. (taps her cigarette holder into an ashtray)

A creak is heard from the walkway above, Cinder looks up to see who it is.

Cinder: Wait...

A pair of high-heeled boots are shown, and Hush is shown to be lowered before its owner places it behind her head. Neo stares down at Cinder from her position...

Cinder: Neo?

Lil' Miss: (to her henchwoman) Maybe put away the good glasses.

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