Chapter 34

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He walked towards me glaring at me
"I didn't know the crown prince was strong, but I'm not here to kill you because my boss didn't ordered me to do that , I'm only here to take the girl willingly or unwilling understood" he smirked
I struggled to get out of their grip but It was difficult,
I watched at he moved towards the car and broke the glass window , he opened it and dragged Amrita out,

My heart was burning by looking at the way that filthy son of a b*** was dragging her out of the car

I was shivering in fear as I saw the way ammar was fighting the men but there were too many, one of them came towards the car and broke the glass and he opened the door while he literally dragged me out of it.

I was crying and struggling to get out of his grip but I couldn't, I looked up to see ammar trying to fight off the men , his eyes were red as fire .
The man who held me laughed and dragged me towards ammar , who was shooting daggers at him.

"I didn't know your girl is soo beautiful and hot" he said looking at me with his lustful eyes
"Don't you ever touch my WIFE , I will kill you"Ammar yelled as the man laughed
"And how do you plan on that Mr Ammar" he said
The man tried to kiss me and I clutched my eyes , shivering in fear and I yelled
"Nnooo please Yah Amm" before I could say anything I heard a loud scorl and felt someone pushing me, I opened my eyes and saw the man shouting in pain, ammar started fighting with the men, beating them in black and blue, he was busy fighting that he didn't noticed the boss aiming a gun at ammar

"YAH AMMARRRRRR" I yelled his name and ran towards him just then a gun shot was heard.

I was busy fighting out the men as I heard her calling out to my name , I turned and saw her running towards me , she hugged me and I heard a gun shot,
Everything around me just seems to stopped working , I watched as she slowly slipped from my arms as I quickly held her , I was shocked to the core while my brain stopped working for a moment.

"Y..ym Yah amm. ammar" she said trying to control her words as tears were rolling down from her eyes, she slowly placed her palm on my cheeks and smiled
"Amrita shh stop talking nothing is going to happen to you" I said trying to keep her eyes on me
"Yah ammar I.. I don't think I..i I can make it" she said crying
"Shhhh just stop talking , you are going to survive" i yelled at her, finding myself not wanting the idea of her leaving me, just then I felt some liquid on my eyes and I realised I was crying

"Why are you crying"she asked touching my cheeks
"It's my tim.."she trail but I kept her shut by pressing my lips on hers preventing her from saying such horrible words, I kissed her like my life depends on it, I glanced at her
"You are going to survive I'm taking you to the hospital"I said without letting her say a word , I carried her in a bridal way and rushed towards the car,

I place her gently on the passenger seat , and I sat on the driver seat and speed off to a near by hospital, I was driving and also glancing at her, she was smiling at me as tears were rolling down her eyes.

We've reached the hospital and I quickly picked her up and rushed into hospital
"Doctor doctor" I yelled while I walked into the hospital, just then a doctor and some nurses came towards me

A nurse pulled out a stretcher and I placed Amrita on it, as the nurses pushed her away, I followed them also holding her hands in mine.
When she was about to be taken into the operation theatre, the doctor stopped me from entering
"How dare you , that's my wife in there" I held his collar
"Calm down Prince, it's the rule here, you have to wait , and we have to do the operation immediately because she is bleeding a lot" he said calmly

"Do whatever you can to save her , you must save her" I yelled as I watched the doctor making his way to THe theatre room.

I sat on the bench , thinking of what just happened earlier, she freaking took a shoot for me,
"Why will you do that amrita whyy" I cried ,
Just then my phone ranged and I picked up, I saw fahad name flashing on the screen

"Hello ammar where were you I've been cal.." he trailed off
"Amm.. Amrita fahad" I said
"Wh.. what , what happened to amrita" he yelled
"Hospital" I managed to say
"Tell me ammar which hospital are you" he asked as I told him the hospital and I hung off the call

I hide my face in my palm, remembering all the incident between us since the day we first met till now, I felt someone hands on my shoulder as i looked up and found fahad , I stood up and hugged him crying my heart out even I was unaware of why I'm I crying

"Fahad Amrita" I said tearing rolling down my eyes
"Subhannallah Ammar what I'm I seeing tears in your eyes , what happened to amrita" he asked
"She took a bullet for me" I said
"WHAAAT" he yelled
"Howww when what exactly happened" he enquire as I told him all the details

"Innalillahi wainna ilahi rajiun" he muttered,
"Where is she now" he asked and I point at the operation theatre
"I don't know what they have been doing for the past hour, I'm scared" I said and I sat down on the chair.

Fahad held my shoulders and whispered some soothing words to me, giving me some dua to ease my pain
"Amrita need our prayers now the most, let's pray the operation went successfully" fahad said as I nod my head.
"Let me finish the formalities and come back" he said as he left .

I was lost in thoughts
"Amrita why will you decide to leave Me when I needed you the most" I whispered just then I felt someone hands on me,
"Doctor Doctor is she okay" I asked and he kept quiet
"Just answer the damn question is my WIFE alright" I yelled losing my control

"My Prince your wife is alright, we finally removed the bullet in her upper shoulder, as we've put her on anaesthesia because her body is weak,she would be unconscious for some hours" He said and I sigh in relieved
"Alhamdullilah" I muttered
"May I see her now" I asked
"Yes you may but please don't try to disturb her or make loud noises as it's bad for her condition, we've moved her to a private room so you may see her now" he said and pointed towards the room and I walked towards The room.

My feet were walking slowly towards her as memories of her were flashing back to my mind, her smile , her laugh, her scary look and all that, what are these unknown emotions could it be love , no it can't be love , I'm just close to her because she is the first girl apart from my mom, momma and didi that I actually care about.

She was laying on the bed, looking like a dead being in that hospital dress, her pale skin was glowing,I looked at the machine beeping indicating her heartbeat, I looked at the tubes inserted in her hands. I sat beside her as I held her hands in mine , and kissed it and lean towards her ear

"Please rita na wake up" I whispered in her eyes, if she was conscious she would have been blushing by now and I smiled at the thought of her blushing at my words

"You know amrita I cared about you a lot won't you wake you for your yah ammar" I whispered, pleading she would hear me and wake up but unfortunately there were no signs

"I promise you this rita I won't spare whoever is behind all this, and this is my promise to you" I said and  kissed her on the forehead and left the room quickly, I saw fahad standing by the entrance and I gestured him to follow me and we left the hospital.

Allah sarki Amrita baiwar Allah 🥺😭😭, Ammar is lonely without you🥺😭😭😭😭

How will Abdul and farha react after knowing their plan backfired

And will ammar keep his promise to unconscious Amrita.

What will happen now
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