Chapter 8- Where am I?

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When Penelope awoke she couldn't see, and was tired, confused, and on the floor. She tried to stand up but realized she couldn't.

Even though she had a blind fold on, she knew that there was some sort of rope tied around her legs and arms.


"Oh look who's finally awake Mrs. Bridgerton" a cold voice came from behind.

"Who are you? Where have you taken me?"

"That's the point of the blindfold love, can't have you telling everyone where we are, now can we?"

"What do you want with me?" Penelope asked scared.

"Well let's just say, your columns when you were Lady Whistledown we disagree with. And when it was revealed that you were the anonymous publisher and that you were married to one of the sons of the richest family in London, we thought, why not kill two birds with one stone?"


"Yes me and my brother"

"Oh my god, are you going to kill me?!" Penelope said scared.

"No, at least we don't think so. We just want money, and your lovely husband will provide that to us"

"He won't, we had quite an argument before you kidnapped me so-"

"It doesn't matter, a husbands love for a wife outweighs everything, we just do rich people say it? Keep him on his toes?"

"What are you going to do to him?" Penelope asked worried.

"Nothing yet, one of us is just going to him, but we're going to need something from you"

"W-what?" Penelope said frightened.

"Just...this" one of the bad guys said sliding Penelope's diamond engagement ring that Colin gave her.

"Hey! What are you doing with that? Give it back!" Penelope yelled.

"Ah ah ah, you'll get this back eventually, I just need to mail something" he said.

Penelope was left in darkness and silence.


Colin paced back and fourth in the living room. He had searched for Penelope all that day and he couldn't find her.

"Where is she?!" Colin yelled. "It's been more than 24 hours! I can't find her!".

"Colin's it's late and you can't do anything if your sleep deprived. Let's resume the search in the morning" Violet said, leaving the room. "Goodnight Colin"

Colin put his hands on his face and rifled through his hair. He was stressing out, he had a sinking feeling in his gut.

Just as he was about to go to bed, Dunwoody came up with a letter in hand. "Sorry to disturb you Master Colin, but we just received a letter for you"

"I'll read it tomorrow Dunwoody" Colin said yawning.

"I believe it is important, you see, it wasn't addressed to you, it just has your name on it"

Colin nodded and picked up the letter from Dunwoody and dismissed him to go to bed. Colin sat back down on the couch and opened the envelope. His eyes then widened and he instantly got up from the couch again.

Dear Mr. Bridgerton,

You are probably wondering who I am and you will soon find out, but let's get down to business, shall we?

We have your wife. Yes, we are holding here hostage and if you want her back in one piece you will listen.

If you tell anyone about this, we will know, and your wife will be as good as dead.

Meet me in the park at noon tomorrow at the bench next to the lamp post and the clock. Don't even try bringing your siblings or tricking me, I will know. And my companion has his orders.

See you tomorrow and remember, not a word to anyone.

There were so many emotions rushing through his veins. Anger, sadness, concerned, freight. His first instinct was to run and get help, but he couldn't risk it. What was he going to do. He never should have come back to London with Penelope, if he hadn't she would still be with him and not in danger. God, he was such an idiot.

He looked back at the letter, and noticed some writing at the bottom.

Just to let you know we are serious...

Colin was confused at first, but he felt something hard in the envelope. He slid the object out and nearly passed out. It was the engagement ring he had proposed to Penelope with.

He rushed to his room and closed the door so no one could hear him. At this point he allowed himself to cry. In today's society is was frowned upon for men to cry, but it was just an emotion that he felt and there was no shame in that.

What was he going to do? Penelope was his world, his life, he needed to protect her. At whatever the cost, he needed to get her back.

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