Chapter 7- Where is she!?

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The next morning Colin awoke from restless night. He truly did not know how he slept at all before Penelope.

That being said, he got up immediately and got dressed. He was going to see her before breakfast because nothing was going to be better than breakfast with his wife.

He walked down the hall to the door of his old room. He knocked once more.

"Pen? Morning. I would love to have breakfast with you this morning"

There was yet another silence.

"Come on Penelope, you can't ignore me forever" Colin pressed.

At this silence Colin had just about had enough.

"Penelope, I'm coming in. I've given you time, but there comes a time where we need to start acting like adults" Colin said and opened the door.

"Alright Penelope let's talk..." his voice started too slur. To his surprise, the room was empty. The bed was made, it almost looked like nothing had changed since the evening before.

Colin was confused, but maybe she left before he was awake, so he went to join the rest of his family for breakfast.

"Good morning Colin! Where is Penelope? Will she be joining us?" Violet asked.

"I don't believe so, our room is empty, I had to sleep in the guest room last night"

"Why?" Eloise asked.

"We had a...bit of a disagreement yesterday" Colin said as he sat down.

Violet seemed to understand her sons feelings on the matter. "Eloise, please take Hyacinth and Gregory out to the market"

"But why?"

"Because they need fresh air, and so do you" Violet urgerd.

Eloise rolled her eyes, but did as she was told and took Gregory and Hyacinth out of the dining room.

"Now, why don't you tell me what happened?" Violet asked.

Colin then told his mother everything. He retold her their entire conversation and argument, what she said and what he said. By the end of it, there were a few tears straying from his face.

"Oh Colin, it will be okay" Violet comforted.

"How? What if she left me? Packed her things and left? Mother I can't even fathom the thought-"

"Colin Bridgerton listen to me! Your father and I had many arguments, but we never left each other, we made vows to each other on out wedding day, and so did you and Penelope, you must have faith in each other" Violet said.

This seemed to put Colin's mind more at ease, and he was finally able to enjoy the slice of toast he was buttering.

That is, until he heard his siblings return and yelling his name.

"Colin! Colin! Colin!" he heard his youngest sister, Hyacinth yell.

"What is it Hyacinth?" Colin asked.

"We-we found-" Hyacinth was out of breath.

"Hyacinth, Gregory, go to your rooms" Eloise said behind them, holding something small in her hands.

"But- but" Gregory started.

"Listen to your sister" Colin instructed.

Gregory and Hyacinth rolled their eyes but listened and left the dining room.

"What was that all about?" Violet asked.

"Look what I found while we were out today" Eloise said grimly.

Colin looked down in Eloise's hands and was shocked at what he saw. It was a rhinestone hair clip that Penelope always wore to pin her hair back.

He picked it up and admired it closer, maybe it wasn't hers, thousands of girls wore hair clips in London. That is, until he noticed a red curly hair stuck to the clip.

"Please tell me that's not Penelope's" Eloise hoped.

"It's hers, I know it" Colin responded, not taking his eyes off the clip.

"Dunwoody!" Eloise yelled.

"How may I be of service to you Ms. Bridgerton?" Dunwoody asked.

"Did Penelope leave early this morning?" Eloise asked.

"I don't believe so, I thought she was still in her room. She asked us not to disturb her yesterday" he responded.

"Are you sure didn't see her this morning?" Colin asked.

"I am postive Master Colin, none of the maids nor butlers saw Miss Penelope leave this morning"

"Well she had to at some point, because she isn't here" Colin said standing up, with the hair clip in hand.

"Where are you going Colin?" Eloise asked.

"Where did you find this?" Colin asked concerned.

"On the corner of Oxford Street, Colin, where are you going"

"I'm going to find her" Colin said, and left.

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