Chapter 13- Special Announcement *SMUT* (LAST CHAPTER)

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When Penelope woke up she was back in the safety of her own bed. She looked over to her side and saw Colin lying there. She sat up and looked at the clock, it was noon. She was asleep for 12 straight hours.

She was about to get out of bed to take a shower when Colin stirred in his sleep and pulled her back down, so he was big spooning her.

"Come back to bed..." Colin murmured, eyes still closed.

"It's noon...we missed breakfast" Penelope said putting her arms around his neck, pulling him closer.

"Well I have not been able to sleep for the past couple days with you gone, so this is my first good nights sleep in a while" Colin said, resting his chin on the top of Penelope's head.

They were both silent for a while, until Penelope spoke up.

"Hey, Colin?"


"I just wanted to say how sorry I am for the way things ended between us before...everything. I love you and I don't mean any of the things I said to you"

This caused Colin to sit up out of bed and look Penelope in the eyes. "Penelope Bridgerton. I love you and I will always love you with every ounce of being I possess. I am truly, deeply, sorry for what I said. I am also sorry for breaking my promise. I said I would keep you safe and I failed all because of the stupid fight we had. Maybe if I wasn't so pigheaded, I would have stayed and worked things out and you wouldn't have been kidnapped" Colin spoke as he stroked Penelope's cheek and cut.

"Colin Bridgerton. You did keep me safe. You saved my life" Penelope whispered and snuggled into Colin's arms. He brought her in close and wrapped his arms around her. His bare skin warming her to her core.

"You know...this bed was extremely lonely with you gone" Colin said smirkingly.

"Oh Colin, now?" Penelope said sitting up.

Colin smirked even harder and started kissing her. She kissed back and rubbed her hands up and down his spine.

He rotated over, so she was lying down on the bed and he was perched over her. He bent down and started kissing various parts of her face. First her forehead, then her cheeks,  then her lips, oh god her lips.

"You don't like this nightgown do you?" Colin said panting.

Penelope shook her head,  and Colin laughed and ripped it off. He admired his wife's beautiful body and magnificent breasts.

He started trailing his finger down, outlining every feature of her body. As he got closer to his target, Penelope arched her back and moaned. "Colin..."

Needless to say, both had a rather pleasant afternoon.

Later that week the pair were preparing to leave the house. News of Penelope returning from 'the country' spread' and Violet and Eloise wanted to have dinner with Colin and Penelope.

"So how was the country? I take it you needed a break from the city." Violet asked as they sat down for the main course.

"It was...interesting. Refreshing. Not exciting" Penelope said, struggling to come up with the right words.

"How'd you get the cut?" Eloise asked.

"Oh uh, I fell" Penelope responded.

"This looks delicious" Colin said, changing the subject. A plump roast chicken sat in the middle of the table, with various side dishes, anything from mashed potatoes to glazed vegetables.

It did look delicious, what could be better than a feast with your closest friends and family? Well to Penelope, the mere smell of it made her want to vomit.

"Excuse me" Penelope said hastily, running out of the dining room to the nearest bathroom.

"Penelope?" Colin inquired.

When Penelope got to the bathroom she vomited right into the toilet. There was then a knock on the door. "Penelope? It's me darling" Violet Briderton's voice came through. Violet was basically Penelope's second mother, since her first was...well we all know how Portia Featherington was like.

"Come in" Penelope said weakly, then hurled once more. Violet held back Penelope's hair as she threw up.

"I'm terribly sorry and embarrassed that you have to see me like this. How is Colin taking it?" Penelope said, wiping her face with a cloth Violet brought.

"It's quite all right dear. Colin and Eloise are at the table, you know they love their roast dinners, although he wanted to see if you all right, I always figured a mothers touch is needed when a child is sick. Are you feeling all right? Are you ill?" Violet asked.

"I'm not sure, I felt fine all week, is there a bug going around?" Penelope asked.

"No I don't believe so" Violet asked, then thought for a moment. "What did you think of the food tonight?"

"Oh, it looked lovely, but something about the smell, I fear that the chicken is past it's due date" Penelope said.

"Hmmm, if you don't mind me asking, when was the last time you bled?" Violet asked.

Penelope thought for a moment. "It's been about a month and a week, I should be getting it this week" Penelope answered.

Violet looked Penelope in the eyes. "A late period and an aversion to poulty are common signs that a with child"

Penelope's eye's widened. "Oh my goodness, really?" Penelope could hardly contain her excitement. It has always been her dream to start a family, especially with Colin.

"I believe so, come now,  best tell Colin the good news" Violet said cleaning Penelope's face and touching up her appearance before walking back to the dining room.

"Penelope! Are you all right?" Colin said upon seeing his wife walk back in.

"Colin, there is something I need to tell you"

"What is it? You can tell me anything"

"Colin Bridgerton. I am with child" Penelope said, placing her hands on her stomach.

Colin dropped his fork onto his plate with a loud clang. Eloise's mouth dropped open.

Colin stood up and walked towards Penelope slowly. He placed his hands on her stomach as well and looked her in the eyes.

"Are you serious? We're going to have a baby?" Colin said tears in his eyes, kneeling down.

"Yes, we are" Penelope said, tearing up herself.

He looked at his mother and she nodded, she knew the most about pregnancy and was never wrong, she did have 8 children herself.

"Oh Pen...we're starting our family" Colin cried happily.

"If it's a girl, name her Eloise" Eloise said standing up to hug her best friend.

Penelope was the happiest she had ever been, in the embrace of her husband and best friend, and now she was going to have a baby. She was concerned about the future, but she knew whatever happened, she and Colin would tackle it together.

The End.

Thank you all for reading my first Bridgerton fanfic!

I might do a sequel, in fact, I really want to, but I have so many unfinished stories, it's kinda silly to start a new one, but I might have to because wattpad needs more Colin x Penelope stories!

Thank you for reading and sticking with me with this story!!

So like always, have a great day and I'll see you in the next chapter!


Colin x Penelope (COMPLETE)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora