Chapter 6- Taken

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Penelope waited an hour before sneaking out. She instructed Dunwoody to not bother her and have no one check on her, just in case the Bridgerton ladies came home early.

Now, Penelope hadn't gone out on her own since...well a while. After her first kiss with Colin and after they got married, they always spent time together.

But now, she wasn't even sure if her marriage was all right. It had only been a month since the two got married and now she was questioning the marriage. What sort of wife was she? Penelope debated leaving a letter for Colin in case he returned before she came back, but her stubbornness took over and just decided to leave.

Right when Penelope stepped outside, she felt as if there was a weight lifted off her shoulders, she felt free.

She didn't know where she was going or what she was going to do, but at the moment, she wanted to savor what freedom she had left.

As she walked down the streets of London, her mind wandered.

Is Colin still mad at me?

Does he know that I do love him?

Would Colin want a divorce?

Can we work this out and have the future we planned for?

Penelope was so caught in her own thoughts that she didn't notice herself walking into a dark part of London. One that no women and some men would enter.

"What are you doing in this part of town little lady?" A man came from out of the shadows.

This snapped Penelope out of her trance and really start to regret this 'evening stroll'.

"Oh, I'm just heading home" Penelope said quickly and turned around, only to be cornered by another man.

"Don't you know who this is Edward?"

"Does it look like I know Louis?"

"She's that Bridgerton girl who is actually Lady Whistledown. She married that third Bridgerton boy" Louis said.

"Oh, so she's from that money family" Edward realized and Louis nodded.

"Listen, I really should be getting home..." Penelope said trying to get through.

"Now, why would you want to do that? Don't you want to hang out with your new friends?" Louis said.

Penelope started to get nervous, this was not looking good.

"Please leave me alone now" Penelope tried to stay strong.

Edgar and Louis just looked at each other smirkingly and nodded.

"Grab her"

Before Penelope could process what was happening one hand was over mouth while the other was holding her around her body, stopping her from using her hands. One more pair of arms grabbed a hold of her legs and feet and swept her up. She was being carried away and could not do a thing about it.

While in the struggle, a rhinestone hair clip she always wore came out of her hair and fell to the floor, although her nor her kidnappers seemed to notice. She soon grew tired from struggling ad lack of air and then the world went black.

Around midnight, Colin returned from his trip to his brothers club. He didn't drink, because he wanted to make sure he was sober when he came home to his wife.

When he walked in to the Bridgerton household, the rest of his family was already asleep.

As he walked up to his own room Dunwoody stopped him. "Mrs. Penelope was asked not to be disturbed".

Colin was shocked, if anything he had the right to be mad at Penelope, but then he remembered the last thing he muttered before leaving.

"Ah, thank you Dunwoody, please go to bed, let me try to talk to my wife, if not I'll sleep in the guest room"

"Very well sir, shall I summon the maids to prepare the room?"

"No, don't wake them, I'll manage. Thank you Dunwoody"

As Dunwoody left, Colin made his way up to his old room. He knew better than to waltz in so he gently knocked on the door.


No answer.

"I'm not sure if you can hear me or if you're awake, but I'm sorry. I know I have no idea what it's like to be stuck inside and I know I was being too overprotective. I never meant what I said, I love talking to you and I love you. Just please open the door"

There was silence from inside the room, Colin sighed. "Okay, I'll be in the guest room if you need me"

As Colin walked to the room he couldn't help but feel empty without Penelope.

She wasn't thinking of divorce was she?

He would not be able to handle that. It took 12 years for him to propose, he didn't plan on wasting anymore time.

She probably needs space. I'll talk to her tomorrow. First thing

The bed felt cold and lonely without her, so needless to say, he had trouble sleeping that night.

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