Chapter 3- Back to London

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That night Penelope fell right to sleep in Colins arms, but Colin couldn't quite fall asleep.

He watched Penelope's steady breathing and admired how beautiful she looked.

He tried to hide it from Penelope, but he was worried. Worried about her safety. Worried about his family. Worried about everything.

How could Penelope fall asleep so quickly? She probably has been dealing with Whistledown haters for a while. He knew that he was probably being overprotective, like usual, but how could he not? She was his wife now, he was her husband, it was his job to protect his family.

He stared at the ceiling, which was lightly illuminated by the moon coming through the window. After a few moments, his eyes grew tired and his eventually fell asleep.




His eyes shot opened. He looked around and was no longer in his bed, he was now in a maze. He started walking down a row trying to maneuver his way out.

It was uncomfortably quiet, until he heard a familiar scream.

"COLIN!" he heard Penelope shout.

"PENELOPE?!?!" he screamed back trying to follow where the scream was coming from.

"AHHHHHH" there was a blood curdling screech that stung Colin's heart.

"Penelope?! Where are you?!"

"Colin! Help me!" she yelled.

Colin frantically  searched through the maze until he came to the center of the maze.

There he found Penelope's back facing away from him.

"Penelope" he said finally exhaling and quickly making his way towards her.

When he got to her, he reached out his hand to touch her shoulder. She slowly turned around and gave him an emotionless face.

To his horror he looked down and saw a large wound forming on her stomach.

Penelope's legs gave in and fell back and Colin instinctively caught her in his arms.

"Colin..." she said, voice wavering.

"It's going to be okay Pen...don't worry" he said frantically.

" I going to die?" Penelope asked whispering.

"No sweetie no. You're going to be just fine"  Colin said tears forming in his eyes.

"Colin, I don't want to die. What about our life? What about our family? What about our future?" she said, voice getting weaker.

"Penelope, I'm gonna need you to stay awake" Colin said gently shaking her awake.

"Colin..." Penelope started, but eyes closed.

"Penelope...?" Colin whispered.

"Penelope!" he said louder.

"Penelope please don't leave me! I love you! I love you so much!" Colin shook Penelope's lifeless body.

"You let her die..." a voice came from behind.

He turned and saw Antony looking down at him.

"She called for you, and you let her die" another voice said.

He turned and saw Benedict. Colin was always in the shadows of both his older brothers, but them looking down at him was one of his worse nightmares.

"I didn't-I tried to"

"Colin. This is your fault" the voice of his younger sister and Penelope's best friend, Eloise spoke up.

"Eloise I-"

"Why did you tell the entire world who Lady Whistledown was? You killed my best friend"

"No I didn't I could never-" Colin started.

"Look down at your hands" Benedict said.

Colin looked down and saw that his hands were covered in blood.

"No, no...!" Colin yelled and closed his eyes.




Colin's eyes opened up and he sat up in bed abruptly.

"Colin are you okay?" Penelope asked him.

He turned and looked at her, and realized that he was panting and sweating. He looked passed her and noticed that the sun was already up.

He was snapped out of his haze when Penelope put her hand on his shoulder.

"Oh Pen" he said relieved and brought her into a sudden embrace.

"Colin? Penelope questioned while in the embrace of her husband.

"I'm so glad you're okay Pen" Colin said relaxed.

"Of course I'm okay. We just went to bed" Penelope said confused.

"I love you so much Pen" Colin said

"I love you too Colin, now let's get ready. Dunwoody is preparing the carriage.

Later that morning, Colin and Penelope entered the carriage.

It would be a couple hours before they reached London, so Penelope leaned her head on Colin's shoulder.

"Wake me up when we get to London" Penelope said.

"Of course, rest love" Colin said kissing her forehead.

He watched as she fell asleep and just gazed out the window.

Hopefully this trip to London wouldn't be a mistake.

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