Chapter 1- Morning Activities *SMUT*

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Everything she'd truly dreamed of was standing next to her, his arm around her waist. And when she looked up at him, at his beloved face, he was smiling down at her with such love and pride that her breath caught in her throat.

"Congratulations, Lady Whistledown," he murmured.

"I prefer Mrs. Bridgerton," she replied.

He grinned. "Excellent choice."

"Can we leave?" she whispered.

"Right now?"

She nodded.

"Oh, yes," he said enthusiastically.

And no one saw them for several days

-Chapter 23 of Romancing Mr. Bridgerton


Penelope had never been this happy her entire life. She was married to her lifelong crush and friend, Colin Bridgerton.

She was sitting outside in one of the country homes that the Bridgerton's owned. It was a cool spring morning, the snow had melted, the sun was out, but there was a still cool breeze rushing past.

Penelope had gotten up early out of the embrace of her sleeping husband to a lovely sunrise and a cup of tea.

A couple moments later she heard footsteps coming towards her, then a blanket draped over her shoulders along with a hug from behind.

"You know you shouldn't stay out here without a jacket, you'll fall ill" Colin said resting his chin on top of her forehead.

"You worry too much" she responded.

"Well someone has too" he chuckled.

"This property is beautiful" she said changing the subject.

"Yes, and you can explore all the property as long as you follow one rule"

"What is it?"

"I have to wake up next to my beautiful wife" he said smirking and slowly kissing  the back of her neck.

"Oh...OH...Colin...we can't do it here" she said whispering.

"Why?" he said between kisses.

"The maids, butlers..." she said arching her head back.

"They work for me...come on lets go Pen"

"Well alright...OH MY-Colin!" she laughed when Colin picked her up bridal style back to their room.

When they got to their room Colin sat down on the side of the bed with Penelope's legs wrapped around his torso.

"'re so beautiful" Colin said between gasps as he undid the back of her dress.

"Colin...I want you now"

"Your wish is my command mlady"

Colin took off his shirt and let Penelope stroke his bare back as he kissed her face and neck. He pinned her down on the bed so he could admire her face. How did he get so luck? Why did it take him so long to realize it?

He didn't realize how long he was staring til Penelope rustled his hair "What's wrong Colin?"

"Nothing I'm just enjoying my view" he said bending down and kissing her lips again, this time with a slight bite of the lips.

Penelope's groans were music to Colin Bridgerton's ears. He had no idea how he lived before he had Penelope Featherington, now Bridgerton in his arms.

Just as things were escalating there was a knock on the door that startled both newlyweds.

"Mr. Bridgerton? There is urgent news that requires your attention"

"Go away Dunwoody I'll deal with whatever it is later" he said kissing his wife's bare chest.

"Colin, I think you should check, it's urgent" Penelope said holding his face in her hands.

"Whatever it is it isn't as important as this" he whispered pushing a stray hair out of her face.

"It is a letter from your mother Mr. Bridgerton, and it is addressed to both you and Mrs. Bridgerton" Dunwoody pressed.

Colin was about to respond when Penelope slid out of his graps leaving him with a confused, panting expression.

"We will be right there Dunwoody, thank you!" Penelope exclaimed putting her dress back on.

"But-but-" Colin whined flopping back down on the bed.

"Come on Colin, if it's from your mother it's probably important" Penelope said grabbing her hair brush desperately trying to untangle the knots Colin gave her.

Colin groaned, but not in the way he was expecting to be doing. "Remind me to leave a sign out for Dunwoody and any of the other staff not to bother us".

"Don't worry Mr. Bridgerton, I'll make it up to you later" Penelope said winking.

This got Colin's attention like a toddler in a candy shop being handed money.

"I'll remember that and make sure you keep your word Mrs. Bridgerton" he said getting out of bed and going to embrace Penelope. She returned the hug and threw Colins shirt that he so carelessly threw on the ground.

"Let's go. The sooner we resolve this the sooner we can get back to...*ahem* morning activities" Penelope cleared her throat and went towards the door.

Colin closely followed trying to fix his hair and make himself looks presentable to his staff. He wanted this matter quickly resolved so he could get back to the "activities" his wife mentioned.

This is my first time writing smut and I know it's probs really bad. I also know I have a lot of unfinished stories and I keep making new ones, but what can I say? I had inspiration.

I highly recommend watching/reading Bridgerton series it is so good!

See you all in the next chapter!


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