Chapter 4- Arrival

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By the time the two got to London, it was late afternoon, perfect time for tea.

Penelope awoke to the the carriage rocking due to the textured London pavement. She turned to see Colin staring at the window, deep in thought.

"Did you sleep at all?" she asked putting her hand in his.

"No, but it's okay, I was not tired" Colin responded.

Penelope nodded, but knew that something was bothering Colin. She would drop the matter for now, because they were arriving at the familiar stairway to the Bridgerton household.

Dunwoody swiftly hopped off the carriage and opened the door for the newly weds. Colin was the first to jump out, he then turned to give his hand to his wife and help her out.

The two walked arm in arm towards the large door both trapped in their own thoughts.

Penelope was confused, she had walked up these familiar stairs dozens of times, but this time she felt uneasy. When they got to the door Colin had to knock all but once before the Bridgerton butler came to answer.

"Why, Mr. Bridgerton and Mrs. Bridgerton, Lady Bridgerton wasn't expecting you"

"Yes, well we thought we would surprise my mother this afternoon, is she home?"

"Yes, she is in the living room along with Lady Eloise, Lord Benedict, Lady Daphne, and Master Anthony"

"Very well, please help Dunwoody with our bags and set us up in my old room. Oh, and bring some snacks and tea" Colin said walking in with Penelope still on his arm.

"Of course sir, right away" the butler said and proceeded to help Dunwoody with their belongings.

When the two entered the living room, they were met with a mixture of happy, surprised, and concerned faces.

"Colin? Penelope? Oh what a surprise it is to see you!" Violet said.

"A good surprise I hope" Penelope joked.

"Of course it is! I missed you Penelope!" Eloise said happily and ran over to hug her best friend.

"What about me dear sister?" Colin asked poking Eloise.

"Yeah you too Colin" she said rolling her eyes.

"What a lovely surprise, you must join us for tea" Daphne said going up to hug Colin and Penelope.

"Already on it's way, what did you think I did when I walked in?" Colin joked.

"As much as we are happy to see you, what are you doing here?" Anthony asked.

"Well, why should I not visit my lovely family?" Colin said through slightly gritted teeth. He was slightly angry that Anthony had not informed him of the letters they've been recieving.

Antony shot a look over to their mother. "You told them didn't you?"

"Anthony, I had to. They had the right to know" Violet said.

"I was handling the situation" Anthony said.

"I have the right to know if it concerns my wife's safety" Colin said letting go of Penelope's arm and heading towards his older brother.

Benedict held him back. There had always been somewhat of a rivalry between the two Bridgerton brothers, Anthony being the oldest and Colin being the youngest out of the three.

"Come now brother, Anthony only didn't want you to worry you nor Penelope" Benedict said, trying to keep the peace.

Just then, maids came in with tea, finger sandwiches, and various different pastries.

"Let's eat and discuss the matter at hand" Penelope said, leading Colin away from strangling his older brother.

They all sat down and had a tension filled tea time.

"So what are we to do?" Eloise asked.

"At the moment, Daphne, Benedict, and I are trying to use our good names and titles to minimize the casualties amongst the public, but even that is no good" Anthony said.

"I've been dealing with Lady Whistledown hate for years, I hate to see all of you straining over me" Penelope said.

"Maybe, but the public never knew that YOU were Lady Whistledown, now that puts a target on your back" Colin said.

Penelope shivered at that last statement he said.

"I suggest that Penelope, you minimize as much time in public as possible and if you ever are in public, you take a maid, butler, or one of us" Violet said.

"What? With all due respect Lady Bridgerton, that is my freedom. My privacy. I hardly think-"

"Penelope please, it would allow me to rest easy knowing that you would be safe" Colin said putting his hand in hers.

"It also won't be forever" Daphne reassured. "And if you ever want to go out, just let one of us go with you"

Penelope sighed, she was never the center of attention and now that she was, she hated it. But she knew that her family was just trying to protect her, so she agreed.

Later that night Penelope laid in Colin's old bed reading a book. Colin was attending a meeting with Benedict and Anthony.

He shortly walked in and started to undress into sleeping pants and no shirt (IDK WHAT GUYS SLEPT IN). "Are you okay?" he asked.

"Yes, I'm fine" Penelope sighed.

"You are still a terrible liar Pen" he chuckled getting into bed and pulling her close to him.

"I'm just-I hate all the stress I'm causing you and your family. I feel like such a burden" she sighed.

"Pen, I would do anything to ensure your safety. You are never a burden, ever. I love you" Colin said looking into Penelope's eyes.

She believed him and snuggled close to him.

"Everything is going to be okay. I promise" he whispered and kissed the top of her head.

She didn't know what the future would hold, but she knew that Colin would keep her safe.

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