Chapter 17- Revelations

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She insults him, ensuring that his focus is on her and not Spencer and it works. He hits her a few times, she never screams out and this makes him angry. Eventually, he gets angry enough that he storms out and leaves her alone.

"Are you okay?" Spencer asks her in worry.

"Fine. My dad used to hit me harder than that," she tries to laugh it off but it doesn't work like she had hoped when she spits up some blood. "We need to come up with a plan and a damn good one. Quick." They talk for a while, coming up with the best plan they can conjure in such a short time before Tobias arrives. This time the real Tobias.

He sees how hurt Amanda is and forces her to take Dilaudid, no matter how much she pleads him not to. Spencer realizes that she seems to have something else against Dilaudid, something bigger than not wanting to be forced to take an addictive drug. Spencer shakes this off quickly as he tries to convince Tobias not to drug him as well, something he is less than successful about.

Back at the Hankle house, the team is trying their best to find the two missing agents but they don't have a whole lot to go on. So far, all they were able to do was confirm that Hankle did in fact have D.I.D. and that one of his personas is his dead father. Nothing helpful in finding his sister. Suddenly, they have an even worse problem.

"Aaron Anthony Hotchner!" Comes an insistent yelling voice from outside.

"Anthony?" Morgan questions.

"Who is that?" Emily questions but the voice makes its way into the house.

"I hope you didn't expect me to just ignore that phone call," a pretty brunette says from the doorway.

"Kristen this is a crime scene. How did you even get here?" Hotch demands.

"Hitched a ride with the police. Told them I was CIA. Helped that I have this nifty little badge." She holds it up to him and he looks at it and frowns.

"Where did you get this?"

"Stole it from Ames and put my picture on it. Pretty believable, right?"

"Pretty illegal," he answers before sighing. "Give it to me. I'm not going to arrest you. We have bigger things to worry about."

"That's why I'm here. I'm not a genius or anything but I've spent more time with Amanda than any of you. I've learned a thing or two. I love her and I will do anything to get her back. Even spending time with you."

"Who is this?" Morgan questions and Kristen turns to him with a seductive smile.

"Kristen Lewis and you're Derek Morgan. Ames talks about you. She trusts you almost as much as she trusts Spencer and that's saying a lot."

"Because she trusts Spencer a lot?"

"Because she doesn't trust easily or this quickly. She's been through a lot. Spencer gets a pass because he's been there for her through some of it or at least the aftermath," she answers, glancing at Aaron slightly, not wanting to reveal too much to him. "So, how do we find Amy?"

"We work with what we have. A message from Amanda saying the unsub may have D.I.D., the dead body of his father, a journal proving that his father is one of his personalities, and the computer system that we can't do anything with."

"Guys," Garcia calls and they head into the room to see that Reid and Amanda were on the screen. Amanda had a busted lip and looked a little worse for the ware but alive nonetheless. Tobias talks about how the two of them are supposed to see inside the minds of men before telling them to choose one to save and one to die.

Amanda tells him to screw himself and he hits her hard enough to knock her out before focusing on Spencer. Spencer calls him a liar and tells him that he can't trust him before finally choosing one when he goes towards Amanda, an action everyone watching notices. Then, suddenly the video goes dark. Morgan starts yelling but surprisingly the levelheaded one is Kristen.

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