10. watch your back

Start from the beginning

"God damn it." You mumble before running after the person, gun still in hand. You were so focused you didn't even notice Spencer trailing closely behind you, picking up speed and almost passing you.

"Let me get it Spencer!" You yell at him as you get closer to the runner.

"No, he might be dangerous!" He huffs, but you cut him off and bolt left where the running man took off to. You notice you are now deep into a wooded area, but you keep running towards where you thought the person ran off to.

Slowing down, you continue to walk a faster pace, but this time with your gun cocked upwards. You hear branches crack behind you, and whip around. You aren't quick enough to fire your gun before the person, who you are now sure is the unsub, hits you across the head and knocks you out.

"Y/N!" Spencer panics, running aimlessly into the woods trying to find you. "Y/N!"

He gets no response from you, and decides to call the team.

"What did you find, Reid?" Hotch asks, blindly assuming everything is okay.

"It's Y/N! The unsub has taken her. This is all my fault, all my fault.." 

"Spencer, what?" Hotch asks in a worried tone. "Explain what has happened. Now."

"There was someone at the crime scene. He bolted off when we announced our presence, but Y/N was ahead of me so one second she was next to me and the next she bolted off into the woods and I haven't been able to find her since. Hotch, she matches his victimology perfectly-" Reid begins to ramble.

"Reid, stop. We will find her." Hotch says, interrupting him.

Reid recalls back to the plane ride earlier, feeling sick to his stomach remembering the joke you made on the jet. He slides down a tree and hangs his head between his legs, worried and embarrassed he let this happen to you. It's only your second case, and something has already happened to you. He is also worried he might be finding himself in another Maeve situation.

"Reid, we are on our way to the crime scene now. Don't do anything rash."

"Yeah, Hotch, okay." He sighs.

"We will have Garcia track her phone and see if its still on her and go from there, okay? We have a profile, we just have to find the dickhead." Spencer is shocked by Hotch's language, but decides its not the most important thing at hand to address. Hotch hangs up, and Reid throws his phone down onto the dirt.

Fifteen minutes later, the team shows up hurriedly and look for Reid. They eventually find him in the woods, in the same spot he settled 15 minutes ago. He quickly wipes away his tears when he hears the team approaching.

"Let's search the woods and see if she dropped anything or if the unsub has dropped anything." Hotch says. 

The team understands, and all spilt up to search the woods. Thankfully, it is still light out so they are able to see better. Derek stays behind with Reid, so he can ask some questions about what had happened.

"What did he look like?" Derek asks, looking down at Reid who is still sitting on the forest floor.

"I can't lose her, Derek." Is all Spencer says.

"And you won't, but if you don't answer my questions, the chances of her coming back alive are slim." Reid looks up at Morgan, and nods his head to show he understands.

"Tall, maybe 6' 1''. He was wearing all black, and had his hood up so I couldn't see his hair color."

"Okay. What direction did they go in?" Derek asks. 

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