Chapter 10: The Date

Start from the beginning

Lucas pulled back, shocked by the sudden outburst from (Y/N). He knew he wasn't feeling well, but this...

He wasn't the only one shocked, however. (Y/N) was terrified by what he did, realizing how he attacked Lucas for all of his problems. He went after someone that hadn't intentionally hurt him.

(Y/N): "Lucas..."

Lucas looked back towards (Y/N), watching the sudden change of mood in front of his eyes. He knew he had a lot to unpackage, but to hide all of this...

He recognized it all instantly.

Lucas: "...heh."

(Y/N) reeled back, surprised by the sudden chuckle from Lucas.

He was...


(Y/N): "Lucas... are you okay?"

Lucas walked over, smiling to himself as he realized what just happened. Everything (Y/N) just did was... hilarious.

Lucas: "Yeah, yeah, it's just... you have a lot more of me than I thought."

(Y/N) shook his head, confused by the sudden statement. What about his outburst would make him reflect? It was the exact opposite of how he acted.

But after a while, that confusion suddenly ended with Lucas pipping up.

Lucas: "*chuckle* I'll explain tomorrow. After your date. I can promise you, things will get better by tomorrow."

And before (Y/N) could ask any more, Lucas disappeared before his eyes, leaving him alone in his room.

(Y/N): "...*sigh* I guess I just have to wait for tomorrow then."

(Y/N) walked over to bed, going to sleep, letting his thoughts drift to what tomorrow would bring.


Glynda: "Yes, students, the forest of Forever Fall is indeed beautiful. But we are not here to sight-see. Professor Peach has asked all of you to collect samples from the trees deep inside this forest, and I'm here to make sure none of you die while doing so."

Glynda looked back at the class, all of them admiring the view around. The forever fall was gorgeous, the red leaves complementing the gray trunks, making it look like a forest out of rubies. But it was also the color of blood, making some admire the danger around them.

All except (Y/N), who was all too familiar with the sight.

(Y/N): "*yawn*"

Hearing (Y/N) yawn, Yang immediately jumped at the opportunity to speak with him, leaving only a few inches of space as they talked.

Yang: "Hmm? Don't tell me you're tired (Y/N)."

Seeing Yang get closer, (Y/N) immediately started to smile while talking.

(Y/N): "No, no. I'm just used to seeing this."

Yang piqued in interest, walking with (Y/N) as she asked more questions.

Yang: "Really? You go to the forest a lot?"

(Y/N) smiled at her, keeping his eyes closed to suppress a chuckle from within.

(Y/N): "Something like that."

Yang smiled in delight, happy to hear a bit more about (Y/N)'s life. He never really gave much information, the only thing he spoke about being how he's an only child and barely met anyone. It was nice to know just a bit more about what happened in the past.

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