17: Red Roses

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There once existed a radiant red flower,
It blossomed for whomever, everything on offer,
Yet as time passed, it gave so much it began to wither,
So it grew thorns, layer after layer,
Until it forgot how to stop, too safe undercover,
Then one day, you passed, in its thorns you took shelter,
Unheeding of the cuts, you burrowed yourself deeper,
For you recognized its scent and refused to surrender,
Until you once again found it, there at the center,
Waiting for someone to come, a little wrinkled flower,
If you take care of it, it's yours—
now and forever.

— J.

For a month, Yingyue had done her best not to think about Jihoon and focus on herself alone

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For a month, Yingyue had done her best not to think about Jihoon and focus on herself alone. It was the only way. If she wanted a future with him, then she, at least, must first work on her own issues. Then, perhaps, she could help him with his. So, while he was gone, she poured her heart into her weekly therapy sessions and consciously worked on her psychologist's advice. As each visit to the hospital became easier, the anger she felt towards him also dissipated as she learned to untangle it from her self-directed frustrations.

By the time a month had passed, all she felt was longing. He'd always lingered at the back of her head, never completely banished. Now that he was here, it felt like rain finally fell on her parched soul.

She missed him.

Missed him a whole lot.

While Jihoon bent down to remove his black combat boots, Yingyue drank in the sight, from the glossy strands of hair falling over his brow to the dark clothes covering every inch of his lean form. Her breath hitched. As usual, he looked exceptionally handsome. There was nothing she wanted more than to be close to him. Yingyue squeezed her eyes shut for a moment, then shook her head.

There were things to be said and issues to be resolved. Besides, if she gave in too quickly, wouldn't he think her too easy? Sighing, she walked towards the living room and thought about what to do next. When she heard his footsteps trailing behind her, she stopped and turned to face him. To her surprise, he was closer than she had expected. Yingyue lowered her gaze and swallowed back the lump in her throat. She stared at the roses he was holding. Its scent teased her nostrils.

"These are for you," he said, holding out the scarlet blooms.

She took his offering and buried her face against the silky petals to hide her smile. Before looking up, she steeled herself and once again took on a neutral expression.

"What are these for?" she asked.

"A peace offering." He cocked his head and offered a tentative smile of his own. When she didn't say anything, he added, "I'm sorry for that time. I got angry at you for no reason."

"There was a reason, though."

"I... You're right."

"Will you tell me?"

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