Dinning of the Kings and Queens

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Leonidas:" that is standard in about any kingdom, in fact, your ingenious method to create a work shortage to open more job's for anyone was brilliant in of itself to ensure nobody had any excuse to not find a job"

Artoria (Saber):" I made sure all jobs were filled out and that created a massive homelessness problem, riots, beggers, and even mass homicides were a result, especially when a business went down by my knight's taking money from them by force without my knowledge to fund my kingdom... oh how I wish I could have stopped them"

Alcaeus:" if I remember, didn't you're knight's kill them to make room in your capital, and yet, it was a wonderful place, you were so proud of it, and all it cost was innocent lives by the dozen each day"

each Artoria put down their plate of food and left, they were to ashamed to speak and left as they couldn't take it anymore.

Nero:" I went mad in my ruling, my head kept hurting and I lost it, so I can't say I did good, especially with what my story tells, that's why I'm jealous you got to have such a happy ending despite your action's to people"

Alcaeus:" I did some really shitty and horrific thing's in the name of my kingdom"

Iskandar:" but you owned up to your action's no matter what they were, that's why your people respected you, you never made excuses for yourself, hell, you took responsibility for you men as well, never once did you point your finger to anyone but yourself first"

Odysseus:" and when you go out, despite having possible thousand's of women begging to go to bed with you, your faith to your wives were so strong, you said no each time and went straight home to them, something I'm not known for"

Alcaeus:" come on, I'm not the perfect king in any way, so stop saying that"

Ritsuka:" I think you should feel honored to be called the perfect king by so many kings and queens, even if you don't believe it, they do"

Alcaeus:" but that's the thing, being a king like me, who kills and starts war's left and right should not be what a king should be, only in dier need should they come close to that kind of thing, I am without a doubt in my mind evil in every aspect of the word, not only because I know what many of my actions were without a doubt evil, however, in the fact I would do them again in a heartbeat and with no hesitation if I believe what I'm doing is right"

Ritsuka:" what's wrong with that"

Alcaeus:"... tell me this, say there are children, no older than 6 year's old and no younger than 3 year's old in front of you now"

Gilgamesh:" alright, now what"

Alcaeus:" these children engaged in an illegal act you cannot overlook, cannibalism, and they along with their village engaged in it, to prevent this from happening again, not only do you kill the adult's, you kill all the children as well"

they all looked silently as they were scared to speak with this thought in mind, even Gilgamesh and Ozymandias were silent as they didn't like the thought themselves, but it got worse.

Alcaeus:" because you don't want your men to bear the guilt of killing the children, you decide to kill them yourselves, have them line up and you with your weapons, chop their head's off as quickly as possible, and you do this till nobody is left, now tell me... should that kind of person be said to be "the Perfect King", because in my mind, that man needs to be killed for his heartlessness and inhuman method's"

Ritsuka:" but... this is your method"

Alcaeus:" exactly, I know what I did was wrong in many way's, however, I still did it as it was to help prevent any future event of this happening, it did, but still, should that be overlooked even if it worked out"

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