"He didn't have a name"I sighed.

"Then how can we meet him?" the girls asked confused "we can't just-"

An idea popped up making me slowly look at Jimin and it made him confused.

"Maybe we could summon a demon that could help us track the other demon?"Hana asked.

"What's happening?" Jin asked looking at me and Jimin confused.

"The tree, "I said making him less confused "it could bring me to him"

"It only shows you the truth," he said.

"It could show me more, "I said as my heartbeat sped knowing I was right "it could show me-Jimin I could end it"

"What tree?" they asked.

"I could bring him back, "I said.

"What makes you so sure you could do This? "Jimin asked, "a demon isn't to be trusted Area, what makes you so sure to come back with Taehyung WITHOUT being harmed?"

I thought about it for a while and my next words left my mouth unexpectedly.

"A trade..." I said but I wished I didn't say it out loud.

"Come again," Jimin said.

"Area no, "the girls said "it's not solving anything"

"Yeah, I mean the demon would still look for an innocent person after you die, "Hoseok said making Jimin glare at him"IF you die- I mean-"

"Shut up" Jin hissed quietly as Hoseok zipped his lips.

"It doesn't matter but I am positive to say that I could bring him back, "I said " this is our only way, please, all I ask is to trust me"

"If we do. We want both of you back" Jimin mumbled " alive"
I look outside the window as the wind blew against my skin.

"Help me"

I froze when the wind blew against my skin with a voice.


Tears started to sting my eyes as I stood up while my knees were shaking.

"Area" Jimin hissed when he caught me just in time.

"He's calling me, "I said and looked at him "by my name"

"You need to rest," he said softly.

"I can't" I panted and placed my hands on my head "I need to go-"

"No Area-"

"Jimin please, "I said as he look into my eyes.

He sighed and looked around before looking at me.

"I'll come with you," he said but I stopped him.

"We both only know where it is, you need to stay here to guide the others there"

"Area I'm not letting you go alone," Jimin said.

"If something bad happens, then the book will show it, "I said and grabbed my bag.

"Why can't we go when the sun is up?" he asked "together Area"

"Area please"

I winced slightly as Jimin grabbed my arms before I could fall again.

Tears slipped from my eyes as my heart started to ache. I closed my eyes and sniffed.

"Area you need to rest," he said as I shook my head.

"You need to stay Jimin, I need to go, "I said and left immediately.


I walked out of the apartment while wiping my tears.

It was hurting me in a way I don't know of. I finally exit the building.

I breathed out when the cold wind hit my bare skin.

I turned to my side to see Namjoon reading the book. I frowned slightly.

"Namjoon, "I said.

He looked at me with teary eyes.

"I thought they were dreams" he sniffed and stood up from the bench.

"What?"I asked confused.

"But they were my memories," he said and looked at me "you"

I frowned at his words.

" I remember a girl who resembles you somehow in someway, she was playing in the garden...and I was watching over her like a brother watching over his sister," he said "every night I would get them and it would still be you," he laughed slightly " but dreams comes and goes, right? Well mine stayed"

He then held the book up.

"This little girl lost her family," he said "you lost your family, I...I lost you"


"I lost my little sister at a young age Area," he said "and it's you, I lost you. Everything written in this book would make sense and it proves me right even though you won't agree ...I know I'm right"

"My family died, "I said "there's a difference"

He opened the book and read.

"She regained-"

"Namjoon stop-"

"Then you know that I am right!" he said and panted slightly.

"They're dead..."I said out of pain "they're dead!"

"They're not, "Namjoon said painfully.

"I had brothers, yes, but they died! before the flu could get to me my father took me away" I said painfully "he saved me and he was the only one to care! Not mom nor them! Cause they wanted to die in that silly old house"

"That's not true," Namjoon said "he took you away from us! There wasn't any flu! It was all a lie-"

"They died! If it wasn't for him I would be too" I said as Namjoon sighed "I'm not the girl you're looking for...I'm sorry Namjoon"

I left but then his next words held me speechless.

"Butterfly," he said making me stop as a tear rolled down my cheeks "it's what we used to call you"

"Area" dad kissed my forehead " you will forever be my little rainbow "

"It's not me" I whispered.

"But he called you his rainbow," he said as my heart skipped a beat" and we both know it's not written in the book"

I look at my bracelet and wiped my tears away. I took a deep breath before walking away.

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