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Kasey couldn't help but sit in her car and watch on as Kylie joined up with her group of friends at school before then disappearing into the crowd of students. 

She smiled with a better understanding of what everyone meant when they said about kids growing up so fast; it seemed like only yesterday that Kylie was saying her first words and taking her first steps, and now she was growing into a young woman right in front of her eyes. 

Not having class until 1 o'clock on the day, Kasey decided to enjoy a bit of chill time back at her apartment before heading out for a quick run around her neighbourhood. Returning, she made sure to drink some water as she stretched out and did a little yoga as well before then hopping into a nice long shower to wash away the sweat that now covered her body. 

As she listened to the music playing in her room while she dressed, she couldn't help but dance around and sing along with it as she dug through her closet and drawers to pull out her usual school day attire of a t-shirt, jeans and running shoes. 

Realizing she still had plenty of time and not feeling like making herself lunch, Kasey decided to pack up her stuff and make the drive to 3C a bit early to grab some lunch on campus before class. Pulling on her leather jacket and collecting her keys, Kasey locked the door behind her and then headed down to her car and navigated her way through the traffic to find a spot in the overflowing parking lot of the college before making the long walk to the cafeteria. 

With a variety of options presented to her, Kasey couldn't decide and spent a significant time looking at all of them before opting to grab a sandwich along with some fruit.  

"Nice jacket." 

Kasey turned around and found a familiar smiling face looking back at her, "Hey, Jen, how are you?" 

"Starving because I woke up late, haven't had anything to eat yet, and this lineup seems to be moving at a snail's pace, but other than that, I'm good yourself?"

Kasey couldn't help but laugh, "I'm good. How long do you have before your next class?" 

"About 45 minutes, you?" 

"I don't have class until 1, so I've got a bit." 

"Lucky you!" 

Kasey and Jen continued to chat while waiting in the line and then grabbing a table and eating together. It became apparent to both of them that they were going to become good friends. After exchanging numbers and promising to meet up before the tryouts, they headed in separate directions for their respective classes. 

As she sat in her lone class of the day, a 3-hour long course on addictions and mental health, Kasey was extremely thankful to whoever had co-ordinated her schedule as it tended to have rather heavy content at times, some of which hit home and affected her on an emotional and mental level leaving her feeling physically drained afterward.  

With her class now over, Kasey packed up her bag, made the trek back to her car and then made the drive back across town to the craft store for her closing shift. 

Sitting in the break room before starting her shift, Kasey talked with her co-worker and close friend Paula about Kylie, school and how she had plans to try out for the soccer team at 3C. Paula voice her disappointment that the star play of their rec soccer team might no longer be available to play for and with them anymore, but she understood her friend's need to try out. After having worked together for several years, Paula had become somewhat of an older sister to Kasey, and she felt comfortable talking with her about anything and everything, including the events that had transpired in her past with her, her parents as well as Kylie and her absent father, James. 

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