Chapter 6

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Nulls POV

Pure and Super walked into the hole of moutain, it was pretty dark. They kept walking and walking...

Suddenly, a glowing white wall appeared infront of them. They walked in and got teleported to another room.

The room was all white, there were in total 5 long stones with different looking carvings.

"Finally! You 2 are here. Why did it take so long???" one of the stones started talking??

"Sorry sir. The people took a long time to get here." Super said whole bowing down.

"They took 2000 years? What a good lie there Super." another one started speaking.

"We are majorly sorry for the inconvience."

"At least they are here now"

"I guess..."

"Anyways, Pure! Stop talking to us and go outside! They are waiting."

"Yes maam"

The 2 Nulls walked out, once they walked out the white room they immediately got teleported outside.

"Finally, I thought you would take forever."
Pine said with a snort.

Pure glared at Pine while Super said "Come on, follow us."

Amber's POV

I don't know how, but all of a sudden we were in space. It looked like the moon... But it has structures on it...

"Here we are."
Pure said looking up.

"Where ARE WE?"
Pine exclaimed.


I looked around to try and find earth, but it was no where to be seen! I kept looking around until I saw a spaceship.

Huh, I didn't know spaceships were actually thing. Wait, ITS HEADING TOWARDS US!!!

"GUYS GET DOWN." I shouted as loud as I can while kneeing down and putting my head down.

The spaceship crashed, almost hitting Ruby.

"What the heck?" Ruby looked puzzled.

A little robot looking thing peeped out the spaceship.

"Damn it! Now what do I do! I'm gonna lose my job!!" the little robot raise his hands in defeat.

A shadow dashed behind the robot and grabbed it.

"AHA! I've got you now!"
A pale green haired male exclaimed while a tiny ant, bettle looking creature next to him.

"LET ME GO!" the robot said struggling in his grip.

"In your dreams ehehe~" the bug creature laughed.

"Please get your hands off our ride." Pure said in a serious tone. Holding out his machette.

"Oh? Are we fighting already? I was hoping we could talk~"
The ant said while giggling.

"Enough, Rio. Let's finish this." the green haired male said taking his saber out.

The ant or Rio started growing larger and larger, until it was twice as big as Pure.

Super took out a double-bladed sythe and charged forward. Thunder sparking from the sythe he was holding. Rio dodged the attack and dashed forward, almost hitting Super from behind his back. Super took this chance and swiped back at him peircing through his ant skin(?).

Suddenly a tall red haired male appeared above them, Locking them in there places.

"Fern. You're rain of terror is over." the white haired male said while swiping his hand, making a large box appear, Locking the 2 inside.

I stood there in terror. What is this place? Why is everyone fighting...?

Idk why but my writing today IS TRASHHHHH

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