"It's ok. He hardly acknowledged you leaving the couch by the way. His eyes were glued to the screen."
He basically slammed his head into my chest and just cried. "Groffsauce what's wrong?" I knew there had to be something else he was crying about.

"What's going to happen when we die and we aren't there to take care of Sebby? Who's going to hold him when he cries? Who's going to tuck him in at night? Who's going to-" he stopped talking and started
sobbing even more than he already was.

I rubbed his shoulder and said "Jon I think he'll be old enough to be able to take care of himself by the time that happens. If anything, I'm sure Vanessa would happily take him in. He'll be ok. We'll be ok."

After I said that, he seemed to calm down a bit. He looked up and looked at my sweater and "Babe, I got your sweater all wet. I'm so sorry."

"No it's ok! It doesn't matter. You matter more than this old thing." He gave me a small smile and laid his head on my shoulder. I love seeing him happy. That's all I want him to be. "You still have Nicolas?"

He laughed and pulled the dinosaur out of his shirt pocket and said "of course I do. What kind of a father would I be if I didn't?"

I laughed and there was a small pause of silence. "Y'know, I think Seb would absolutely love it if you came back to watch the rest of the movie with us."

He looked up at me smiling with a tear stained face. "Let's go then" he said kissing my cheek. We got up from the spot on the floor and started to walk out. Groff hugged me and said "Thank you for coming."

I responded with "of course" and kissed him. "Let's go or we'll miss Hakuna Matata!" He laughed a little and I led him out of the room.

When we reached the living room Groff's mom asked if we were alright and Groff responded with "more than alright" while looking at me. He gave me a kiss on the cheek and we sat back next to Sebby. Again, Seb's eyes were glued to the screen while he was eating his sour patch. Groff kissed Sebby on the side of his head and continued to watch the movie. He had his arm around my shoulders and everything seemed just alright.


After the movie was finished, Seb was asleep while leaning on Groff. We hadn't realized he was asleep until the movie was done. Groff picked him up and walked to his bedroom to put him to sleep. That left me with Groff's mom in an awkward silence until she asked me "why did Jonathan leave during the movie?"

"Well he hardcore cries when he watches Mufasa's death scene. It was really bad this time since, y'know, we have Sebby" I explained quite quickly.

She nodded her head and said "Y'know Sebastian is a really nice boy. You've brought him up very well."
I thanked her and she continued. "He's very well mannered and he's so generous. He asked if we could donate to the Salvation Army that was outside of the store. He's so nice to everyone."

"Thank you for that. Sometimes I honestly feel like I've failed as a parent, but, if I'm being honest, Jon has made it so much easier! I don't know what it is but he knows more about Sebby than I do." I paused and said "So I guess we're taking turns complementing sons."

She laughed and said "I guess we are." There was a silence between us and she asked me "Do you love Jonathan?"

I immediately responded "Of course I do! He's charming and so kind. I could go on and on on that subject."

She smiled and said "Are you planning on getting married to him?"

"I would honestly love to marry him. Any time, any day. I'd say we're engaged to be engaged if you get what I mean." I hadn't really thought about that, but I really want to marry Jon no matter how much it takes me to get there.

"Without my blessing?" She joked as she looked at me trying to ease the small tension between us.

"Well.." I said nervously laughing. "Do I have your blessing to marry your son?"

"What kind of mother would I be if I didn't want my son to be with the man who makes him so happy. Of course." Groff's mom seemed to be happy with me. She looked at me as if I had done something right. "Weird question, but can I give you a hug?" she asked. It was a bit of a weird question, but I agreed and stood up and hugged her. "Thank you for taking care of my Jonathan" she said as she squeezed me tighter.

"It's not a problem at all" I responded letting go of the hug seeming that it was a little awkward. I sat back down on the couch and we kept talking until Jon came back from the room. He sat down and listened in on our conversation about how we rescued Honey. "Yeah so I kind of hit her with my car while trying to get home. I brought her to the vet and they asked if we wanted to keep her and obviously we accepted."

"Well actually I kind of said that we would without anyone's input" Groff interrupted as he remembered how short his temper was that day. "Sorry about that by the way." He put his arm around my waist and laid his head on my shoulder. I could see that he was really tired, so I just let him have his moment.

We went on and on until I heard Groff start to softly snore on my shoulder. Mrs. Groff looked at him and said "Well someone was bored to death."

I lightly laughed and looked at Groff as he kept sleeping  on my shoulder. "Yeah I should probably get him to bed, or at least try to that is. He was falling asleep earlier when we were in his room. He must be really tired." I looked at the time and it was only ten o'clock.

"Yeah we should all probably go to bed" Mrs. Groff said as she yawned. "Good night Lin, and good luck with him" she said pointing at Groff when mentioning him.

"G'night Mrs. Groff and thank you" I said as she got up and left. Now I was just left with Groff still sleeping with a slight smile on his face. A happy boy in which I am fully in love with. I kissed his forehead and he kind of woke up and smiled even wider. He tightened his arms around my waist and I said "We should probably go to bed."

I got a groan and a nod in response and I got up and held both of his hands. He got up and pulled me towards him to give him yet another hug. "I love you" he said as his voice was muffled in my shoulder and sounded very tired.

"I love you too Groffsauce." We stayed there for a few more seconds until I pulled out of the hug and helped him to bed. When I opened the door, I saw Sebby sound asleep in the middle of the bed. I looked up to Groff who was only half asleep and realized that he is not going to get dressed for bed even if he wanted too. I helped him onto the bed and tucked him in as he fell asleep as soon as his head touched the pillow. I gave him a kiss on his forehead and did the same with Sebby. I changed out of my clothes and into more comfortable ones and crawled into bed.

Today was quite alright.

Hey guys! Sorry I've been a little absent lately, but I'm posting this as soon as it's done. I've been busy on road trips and school and basically life. Also thank you for 2k reads! We also got this book to #1 in #jonathangroff which is crazy! Thank you guys for all the love and support on this book. This is because of you! Hope you guys understand and have an amazing rest of your day/night. You're beautiful!

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2141 words

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