Chapter 40

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Groff's POV

"Dad, what are you going to do without me" Seb asked getting more of his stuff in his suitcase.

"Well I don't know Seb, but if you need us we'll be a phone call away" I said sitting on his bed.

"Are you going to miss me" he said sitting next to me.

I side hugged him and said "Well of course I am. How could I not?"

He softly smiled and asked "Do you think they're fighting?"

"No they're just having an 'adult talk' I guess you could say. Don't worry about it though. They're friends now" I said, rubbing his shoulder. Then I got curious. "Did they fight a lot" I asked hesitantly.

He shook his head and said "I never heard them fight. I just think Mom didn't like Papa for liking boys, so they aren't together."

"That's not the reason. She doesn't mind that he likes boys" I said getting down on eye level with him.

"Then what's the reason" he said looking at me.

"I-I'm not really the one to tell you that Seb" I stuttered regretting what came out of my mouth. I really shouldn't have said anything.

"Then who will?" He was very frustrated like I've never seen him before. I looked down and didn't say anything. "Why can't you tell me?"

"It's not my story to tell, Seb" I said honestly. "I'm sorry." He looked down and started breathing really heavily. "You ok, Seb" asked, scared of what might happen. He shook his head so I gave him a tight hug. He started crying really hard. I guess they've been held back for a long time. I reassured him that he'd be ok and tried to calm him down. I didn't know how to cheer him up. I propped him onto my lap and started rocking him, again, not knowing what to do. I didn't like that his breathing was out of control at all. "Seb, can you take a deep breath for me?"

"I can't. Dad what's happening" he asked freaking out.

"You'll be ok, just try and match my breathing, ok" I said trying to sound as normal as possible. He started calming down a bit as I held him a little closer. He finally calmed down, but he was really quiet. "Are you still sad" I asked empathetically. He nodded then I asked "You want to go downstairs?"

He nodded his head again and put his arms around my neck. "Can you carry me" he asked, his voice baby-like.

I stood up and brought him downstairs. "You're child needs love" I sang making Sebby lightly laugh.
I gave him to Vanessa and lightly said "He's just a little sad." She nodded and hugged him tightly. I sat next to Lin and put my head on his shoulder. He held my hand and didn't show much expression on his face. That's weird? "Are you ok?"

"Yeah. We just really need to talk after this. You didn't do anything, I promise. We just need to talk" he whispered back, gripping my hand a little tighter. Sure I 'didn't do anything,' but that got me nervous fairly quickly.

"Ok" I said kissing his temple. "A-are you mad at me?"

"Oh god no! I'm telling you, you're not in trouble" he said putting on a small smile. He turned to hug me and obviously I hugged him back. He was very tense to say the least. He's worried? I rubbed his back hoping to soothe him, which kind of worked. "What time is it" he asked a little louder.

"It's 6:15" I said looking at my watch.

"Why do you own a watch? You have a phone" Lin said laughing at me.

"I don't like looking at my phone" I said honestly.

He put his hand on my knee and said "You're too pure for this world" which made me smile.

The story of tonight (Grofflin)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang