Chapter 11

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Groff's POV

I woke up to a phone ringing and then it stopped. I heard Lin from the other room saying "Hello?.... yeah sure I'll give you the address.... yeah no problem.... ok.. bye V." I'm guessing it was Vanessa on the other line. I heard footsteps come running to my door. "Groff I'm sorry to wake you, but I need a huge favor."

"Yeah sure what is it?" I said rubbing my eyes

"Ok so... Vanessa is going to drop off Sebastian at my house and I'm going to need another set of hands."

"Yeah sure" I said putting my shirt back on and getting out of bed. My hair was still perfect when I looked at myself in the bathroom. What a relief.

"Can you sleep over? Please..." he said popping his head back into the doorframe.

"Yeah ok I'll pack a bag."

"You're the best!" He left and I started packing a bag so I could stay the night. Afterwards I walked into the living room and I was met by Lin. He had a huge smile across his face and said, "Let's go!" Damn he was excited.

Luckily the house was just a few minutes from my place, so it wasn't a long drive. When we arrived, I could already see Vanessa's car out front how long has she been waiting?

"Took you guys long enough" she said laughing towards the end. Wow she's been here for quite a bit then.

I heard an excited squeal from the back seat of her car. I saw a little boy, that looked almost exactly how Lin looked as a kid, kicking his little legs and screaming for his father. Lin opened the car door unbuckled his son and gave him the biggest hug that he could while trying to be gentle. "I missed you buddy" he said trying not to cry.

"I missed you too papa. Where have you been?"

"I was at work with Groff. He was helping me with a lot of things" he said as he looked at me with a smile and I returned mine naturally.

He carried Sebastian into the house and started giving him a tour. Vanessa and I were getting Seb's things and putting them into the living room one by one. I was sweating so much. How many toys does this kid have? "My advice to you would to catch your breath now because we have a few stairs to go up."

I muttered "shit" under my breath and sat on the couch to try and catch my breath. I had picked up most of the heavy stuff so Vanessa wouldn't have to, and now I'm a mess. My hair is sticking to my face and I'm sweating through my shirt. The fact that I have to carry all that shit into a bedroom....

Lin's POV

Me and Sebby were walking through the the hallway upstairs and he looked in every room of the house. He looked into a purplish blue colored room and said "Can I have this one?"

I looked at him with a sympathetic look and said "of course you can buddy. Room is all yours-"

"YAYYYY" he ran up to hug me first and jumped into what was now his bed. He was so excited.

"Cmon let's go help Mommy and Groff get your stuff."

He slid down the stairs, being very careful not to fall. "Mommyyyyyy. I want to help."

I looked at Groff and he looked absolutely defeated. He was panting trying to catch his breath. I looked around and saw that I really did have a problem with spoiling my child. Poor Groff had to carry half of this out of the car. I went up to him and said "it got the best of you didn't it?"

"Is it obvious?" He said said sarcastically.

"Just a little" I pinched his shirt and let go of it seeing that it was soaked. "You're going to take the biggest shower when we're done."

He nodded and got up to get Seb's bedroom things. He was carrying them up the stairs by himself so I help him lumberjack the heavy things up the stairs while Sebastian and Vanessa were organizing Seb's new playroom. When we were done lifting the heavy things, we piled in his stuffed animals and clothes into the room and tried to make it look exceptional. What can I say, my son is picky.

Groff stood back to look at the room and he realized something. "Out of all the other colors he chose purple? I'm obviously not hating I'm just questioning."

"As I said, he is picky in what he wants wears and plays with. Little man has a slight bit of OCD." I looked at the room quite pleased with what we did with it. He was going to love it. "Let me call him. One sec- SEBBY COME LOOK AT YOUR ROOM!" I screamed as I heard a small voice from the basement and footsteps up the stairs.

He can in and looked at the room in amazement. "Wow... this is amazing!" He ran up and hugged me "thank you Papa"

"Hey, I didn't do all the work go give a hug to Groff. He helped me."

"Thank you Uncle Groff" he said as he hugged Groff's leg.

Groff patted his back and let out a small "You're welcome buddy." This looked Twitter worthy. I snapped a picture as quick as I could, but I won't post it until we're official.

When the time came that Vanessa had to leave, it was 8 o'clock at night. Vanessa gave Sebby a big hug trying not to cry. I told Groff to distract Seb as I talked to Vanessa. "Come on Sebby let's go inside!"
It was too easy to distract that little one.

As soon as they went inside Vanessa couldn't hold it back anymore. She started sobbing so I went to hug her and comfort her. "I know you're wondering, but yes, you can visit anytime you'd like."

"Really? You'd do that?" She said in between sobs.

"Of course, I mean you're his mother! I can't take him away from you." She hugged me and thanked me.

"Well I really should get going... thank you Lin."

"It's no problem. Bye V!"


She drove off and I went back inside. Groff was getting Seb ready for bed. Right now he was working on Sebby brushing his teeth so he could go to sleep. I leaned on the door frame and watched them laugh with each other. He was great with kids. I didn't want them to notice me, so I left the room without a word or sound. I went into what is now my room and took a quick shower and ran to Sebby's room to see if he was already in bed.

Groff threw him into the bed and started tickling him earning a squeal and a lot of laughs from Seb. He tucked him in and said "Good night Sebby, I'll see you in the morning ok?"

"Good night Uncle Groff." He looked up and saw me and ran out of bed to hug me. I picked him up and hugged him tight and told him good night. We tucked him in and turned on the nightlight in his room then turned off the lights.

I look at Groff and he's still sweating, but not as much as earlier. "My shower is all yours"

He muttered a "thank you" and grabbed his stuff so he could shower. I got into bed and was just scrolling through Twitter. Me and Groff were... everywhere. Holy shit- we were trending! This isn't good.

Hope you guys liked this chapter! And by the way as I'm writing this (11-24-20) I'm almost at 100 views, so thank you so much!

Questions comments concerns or suggestions?

1315 words♈️

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