Chapter 24

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Groff's POV

Waking up wasn't too easy for me. I had woken up with the slightest headache, which just annoyed me making it hurt even worse.

Lin would comfort me if the headache would worsen. Suddenly everything was fine when he hugged me or just comforted me overall. If he was anyone else, I don't think it would've worked. "I can get you a Tylenol or something" he questioned as he rubbed my shoulder.

"Yeah that'd help." He stood up and went to go get the Tylenol while I stayed in bed and held my head in my hands. This headache was just so annoying.

When he got back, he had the Tylenol in his hands along with a glass of water. He handed them to me and sat down next to me. I took the pills and drank all the water as fast as I could so that I wouldn't taste the horrible flavor. I put the glass on the nightstand and took a second to breathe. Then he said, "Daveed is still here, and I'm not sure about Chris. He could be in one of the bedrooms, but he could also have gone home without us knowing."

I nodded and stood up to stretch. My back had been hurting so much lately, but I didn't want to overthink things and I didn't want Lin to worry about me. He had other things to worry about like his son and his parents. I turned to look at him and he was deep in his thoughts. "Lin, you ok" I asked him.

He shook his head as he looked up at me. "Have you talked to your mom? I don't know why, but I'm thinking about her more than you think I am." That was weird. Why would he be thinking about my mom?

Ever since I called her that day, she always sent me her good morning and goodnight texts. I always felt comforted after I read them. I felt like I could sleep knowing all was well in Pennsylvania. Her good morning texts were always motivational and her good night texts was just her talking about what happened that day and how she felt all throughout the day.

Lin still looked at me as if he was waiting for me to tell him something. "Is there something you need from me? I'm sorry I went into deep thought."

"Yeah I asked when was the last time you talked to your mom" he asked once again.

"Oh! I mean I text her every morning and every night, or, at least, she texts me. I haven't checked my phone yet I wouldn't know."

He nodded his head and I got my phone from the nightstand. I didn't get a text from my mom, but I did get a text from my dad. It said "Hey Jonathan! Don't panic, but your mom had a heart attack last night. She will be fine, so don't worry about it too much. Love you."

I dropped my phone after I read it and I couldn't believe it. She was fine when she texted me last night. My eyes were wide and a little teary eyed which got the attention of Lin. "Groff, what's wrong? What happened?"

I was just in shock. My mom could've died. I could've never have seen her ever again. With that thought, I got up from the bed and grabbed a suitcase. I needed to go back.

"Groff what are you doing? Don't leave" he said practically pleading. "Just tell me what's wrong." He got up from the bed and came up to me. He grabbed my arm which calmed me a bit. I can't just stay silent about this, right?

"Mom had a heart attack. She's ok, but I need to see her. If you want to tag along, go ahead, but we need to bring Seb."

Lin was in shock as well, but not as much as I was. "I'll go pack our things then. You need to take it easy ok?" I nodded and he walked out of the room.

I was kind of mad, but he was right. I've been at my highest and my lowest these past few weeks. It was stressing me out, but I need to go home. I'm taking this whole week off. I'll come back to New York next Tuesday.

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