Chapter 35

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Lin's POV

After we witnessed the cutest thing of our lives, Jon and I went back to the room. I opened the door and he followed close behind me. A little too close. I turned around and we made direct eye contact. "You ok?"

He looked at me with his eyes full of eagerness and nodded. Then out of no where he kisses me with the force of a thousand waterfalls. I leaned back out of surprise, and he pulled me closer. He pulled out of the kiss and said "Shit I'm sorry" I guessed realized he wasn't sober in that moment. "Are you ok?"

"Yeah I'm ok" I said a little awkwardly. "Is this what normally happens when you're tipsy?"

"Well you'd be surprised" he said, still swaying on his feet.

"Can you sit down? You're making me nervous." I was afraid he would fall over. Don't want a remake of yesterday do we.

He got closer kissing me again this time really pulling me in. I didn't kiss back since I knew he wasn't himself. I didn't fight his grip since I didn't want to hurt him. Out of no where he winced and pulled out of the kiss once again. "Oh shit that hurts so bad" he said holding his shoulder.

"Jesus Christ Groff. That's why I told you to sit" I said pulling him to sit down. "You ok?"

He nodded then said "Don't I have pain meds?"

I looked at him and said "Groff you're drunk. It's not safe."

He held his arm and held his breath while doing so. I rubbed his lower back and he began to calm down. "I'm going to lay down. Maybe nap" he said tiredly. "Can you stay here" he said really wanting me to stay.

"I'll stay, but if Sebby needs me I need to go ok?" He nodded laying down facing upwards.

I cuddled into his side he put his arm around me. He let's out a deep sigh and said "Sorry about that by the way. I'm just... not right. I feel like a rapist."

"It's ok. I know you didn't mean it in that way." He kissed the top of my head and rubbed my shoulder. "You sure you didn't have more than three? Last time you drank only three and you weren't like this."

"Maybe. If I did, I don't remember" he said kind of disappointed. "Aren't you mad at me? If I were you I would be pissed."

"Well... I would be, but I'm not. I mean you were with your brother and Sebby isn't here. It just depends where we are. Even with that it's hard to stay mad at you" I said smiling at him towards the end. He smiled back and I kissed him. "Love you."

"Love you too." He got comfortable and closed his eyes.

~TS (Mid afternoon)

News flash, Sebby and David are the best of  best friends, and they are absolutely inseparable. I offered David many times for Sebby to leave him alone, but he liked Seb's company. I mean, at least Sebby is incredibly happy. Not complaining at all.

Jon's been in bed since he "feels disgusting." I check up on him every once in a while and he's either asleep or staring at the ceiling. Whenever I came in I asked him if he needed anything, and the answer was always a groan. I would stay with him, but he told me to leave him so I wouldn't be bored. I protested, but he insisted I go.

Right now, I was watching as David carried Sebby on his back and ran around the yard. It was sunny, so it wasn't cold. It was enough to make you sweat. Random thought came to mind that whoever David ends up with would be so happy to see this. This is like the number one thing anyone wants their partner to be like. I mean, that's one of the many reasons why Groff lives with us and why I'm with him. If Sebby approves it, I allow it.

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