Chapter 30

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Lin's POV
After Seb gave Groff and I our gifts, he announced that Groff's mom let him buy a lot of candy. When I say a lot, I mean a whole grocery bag filled with boxes and bags of candy. Mainly sour patch kids. Seb absolutely loves sour patch kids.

Seb also wanted to watch a movie, so we went over to the couch to see what Seb wanted to watch. When we asked him, he said he wanted to watch the Lion King. Groff looked at me with the face that said "help me."

I haven't watched that movie in a while. Last time I watched it, surprisingly, I was with Groff because he had called me over to his apartment to hang out. He said that he cried every time Mufasa died, and ever since that day, I believe him. I remember him literally sobbing, and I just laughed and hugged him as he cried. A complete drama queen.

Groff's mom happened to have the dvd from before Seb's time. The casing was all dusty from sitting on the shelf for about, I don't know, 12 years. She put it in the DVD player and sat down with us on the couch.

Once the movie started, Groff looked at me and pulled me closer to him. Seb was in the middle of us, so he was kind of getting squished, but he didn't seem to mind.

As the movie went on, we got closer and closer to Mufasa's death. I don't think Seb would really understand that Simba literally just lost his dad, so I really wanted to see his reaction to Groff crying his eyes out. Wow I'm evil. I only cried when I first saw it, but I've seen it too many times to cry every time I watch it.

This was it. Simba was in the gorge practicing his roar. I looked to Groff and he was already tearing up. I know I shouldn't be laughing at death, but I just can't help myself when it comes to animated movies. Technically I was laughing at Groff crying about death, but if it was a real person that passed, I would react far differently. We all know how Disney loves to sprinkle in some dead loved ones. How nice of them.

When the herd of wildebeest came down the gorge Jon couldn't help himself. He literally had to get up and leave the living room. I'm guessing this was one of those moments where he didn't want to cry in front of Sebby. I was worried for him, but I didn't want to leave Seb alone on the couch. Seb didn't think anything of it though. Groff's mom looked at me with a confused face and I gave her the look of 'he'll be ok.' She nodded and continued to watch the movie. Mind you Mufasa hasn't even died yet.

I really wanted to hug him, but I didn't want to leave Seb alone. Then my phone buzzed and me being me looked at it and it was a text from, you guessed it, Groff.

Groffsauce: Can you come over here for a second.

Of course he would ask me for permission.

Lin: Where are you exactly?

Groffsauce: My room.

Lin: Alright I'll be right there

I put my phone back into my pocket and told Sebby I'd be right back. He nodded his head and I gave a look to Groff's mom and she also nodded her head. I got up and went into the hallway towards Groff's old room.

I stopped at the door and just listened to see how bad it was so that I could be prepared. All I heard was him taking a breath aggressively every three seconds. I took a deep breath and opened the door to see Groff hugging his knees in front of his dresser. I closed the door and went up to him and hugged him. "I didn't think you'd get this bad" I told him as he sniffed every now and then. He didn't answer and I didn't expect him to either. "Groffsauce, it's just a movie."

"I know" he said almost as if it was supposed to be a whisper. "It's just that I thought about Sebby this time and I didn't want to cry in front of him."

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