Chapter 31

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Groff's POV

I woke up with the sun beaming through the curtains and into my eyes. I squinted and turned around to face Sebby and Lin. I saw that they were both still asleep and probably almost awake. I turned to the nightstand and grabbed my phone to check the time 8:16 a.m. I looked at the notifications and I saw that I got a text from Lea. Haven't talked to her in quite a while. She said:

Lea: Hey Jonathan! Haven't talked in a while, so just wanted to check up on you.

Groff: Hey Lea! I'm doing great everything right now is amazing and some MAJOR things have happened that you don't know of. I would need to call you. It might take a while.

I slowly got up from the bed and creeped out of the room careful to not wake up Sebby or Lin. It is then that I realized I'm still in the same clothes as yesterday. I'll take care of that later. I walked outside of the house completely and felt the vibration of my phone in my pocket as well as the small cold breeze hitting me. Of course it was Lea that was calling me. I picked it up and she excitedly said "Hey Jon!"

"Hey Lea! How've you been?"

"I've been good but nothing too major has changed, but I really want to hear about yours. I'm like dying to know!" She sounded so excited to hear from me. I mean I was very excited as well, but it's been a while since I've seen or heard from her.

"Ok, ok, I'll tell you." I laid down all the things that have happened between me and Lin. I even laid out every detail of our first real kiss and our first date. She was so happy for me.

"So when can we hang out? I miss your bear hugs."

I laughed and said "Well actually I'm in Pennsylvania right now. I can arrange things on-"

She interrupted and said "Wait, you're in Pennsylvania? Lancaster?" I agreed and she asked "Why's that?"

"Well let's just say I'm on good terms with my parents."

She squealed so loud that I had to pull my phone away from my ear. "Oh my god! I'm so happy for you!"

"Thank you Lea. I am too. Lin told me that I should call them because it started really affecting how I acted towards people. Let's just say I was being a real bitch to everyone."

She laughed and sarcastically said "Jonathan Groff? A bitch? Never heard of it."

A sort of laughed and continued. "After I had called them we had a Hamilton cast party at our house and the next morning, my dad had texted me that my mom had a heart attack."

"Oh my god. Is she ok?"

"Yeah she's alright. She just needs to take it easy is all." I kind of started to think to myself after I said that. Suddenly I didn't feel all that good.

"Jonathan? You ok" she asked really concerned for me.

"I don't know I just started thinking and well you know how I am. The overthinker" I said, losing my breath in every word I spoke.

"Woah, calm down. Everything will be ok. Just tell me more about Lin. I know he has a son. Have you bonded with him" she asked trying to make me forget about everything I was thinking of. It was successful for the most part.

"Yeah, actually he permanently lives with us. His mom, Vanessa, said that she'd want him with us since we pretty much have jobs that don't require too many hours" I said starting to calm down.

"Does he call you Dad?"

"Yeah, we've bonded quite a lot. He was very happy when Lin said I would be his other father. It was like a whole ceremony in the car on the way to school. Also, I guess you can say, he comes to me for everything."

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