Chapter 8

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Despite the chilling note I received from Dylan, two weeks had passed and nothing has happened. I was extremely jumpy and on high alert as I kept receiving notes. Paul was doing his best at staying by my side and I was partially convinced that's why Dylan hasn't attacked yet.

So because of that I never left Paul's side, but at the same time, it felt like Dylan was winning. I felt like prey being constantly watched by its predator. He was playing with me, probably enjoying the fact that I was squirming. I was still his victim and I didn't want to be anymore. I wanted to feel free and in control of my own life, but Dylan was still here watching me from the sidelines. And I didn't want to have to rely on Paul or any man to make me feel safe. I really want to be able to do it myself, but realistically I can't. Dylan was a pretty big guy and overpowered me almost always. Even with the new things I've learned from Charlie, I don't think I could take him.

Speaking of Charlie, he was flying in this week for some 'business, but I was excited to see him again. We have been talking on the phone almost every day, which was normal because we were pretty good friends now. But I also haven't talked to my best friends since 3 days after I arrived here. But they're both married and busy.

Currently, I was stirring around my pasta as Paul searched my apartment for anything suspicious. Since Dylan keeps getting in despite the constant lock changes, Paul was doing some investigating. We had set up a camera, but Dylan destroyed it and took it with him. "Rosa eat. You need your strength at all times."

Paul has become much more talkative as we spent almost all of our time together, he was like an overprotective uncle. "I'm not hungry anymore." I push my plate across the counter and rest my head. "What's this about? You're always hungry." He asks as he takes a seat next to me.

I chuckle, "No I'm not, and nothing I just don't feel like eating."

He nods, "If you say so, you should start getting ready for bed. Long day tomorrow, you need your rest." I look over at him and laugh, "You know you're not my dad right?"

He nods again, "Yes but I am still here to protect you, and look out for your general well-being." I get up from my seat and put my plate in the fridge, "Yes father good night."  I say sarcastically. He waves me off as I head to my bedroom to get ready to sleep.

After completing my routine I get into bed, leaving my lamp on. Paul had ditched the apartment and just started sleeping on my couch as the notes increased. I had a finance report presentation tomorrow and it was going to be an extra-long day at work.

I hadn't fallen asleep until around 3:30 in the morning, and then I woke up for work around 6 am. I got up and got myself ready for the day as Paul made some phone calls in the living room. He brewed coffee and we both headed out to my place of work. Paul had started pretending to act as a new security guard at my office to lower any suspicions of his constant lurking.

"Rose!!" An irritating voice calls out from behind me. "What is it Katherine?" I ask not bothering you turn around. "I heard Mr. Johnson is asking for you, what did you mess up this time?"

I get up from my seat and grab my things, "Probably nothing as big as the mistake the surgeon made on your nose job." She gasps as I walk away with a smirk on my face. Paul walks ahead of me as we both enter the elevator to the top floor. I wonder what the boss could want? Was my presentation no longer needed? Did he want to make changes? I hope not I worked really hard on this one.

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