Chapter 9

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Charlie's house here in Seattle is so nice! But I shouldn't be surprised after his seeing his house back in Jersey. It was a dark contemporary home with 4 bedrooms. Somewhat similar to his house in New Jersey, but with less security. All the doors here had electronic locks, something I had never seen before in a home.

On the way to the house, Charlie hadn't spoken much to me. I'm assuming he's still mad about the Dylan situation. It was late at night now and Charlie was on the phone in the kitchen as I laid on the couch with my phone in my hand. "Have you seen anything yet?" I hear him ask on the phone. "Keep me updated." He hangs up the phone and puts it back into his pocket.

Thankfully it was the end of the week so I didn't even have to worry about going to work tomorrow. I sat up and decide to go to the bathroom to freshen up. "Where are you going?" He asks as I head toward the hall. "I want to take a shower, where's the bathroom? And where am I staying?" He leads me to a bedroom and points to the bathroom inside of it, "You'll be here. But I'm right next door, call me when you're done."

I nod, "Thank you."

He leaves me to shower as I step into the dark-colored bathroom. I turn on the water and let the hot water fall onto my body. As I'm showering the lights suddenly flicker off, before turning back on again. I hear a loud crash from outside and freeze in place. I was hesitant before deciding to call out for him, "Charlie? You okay?" Constant banging can be heard from the room next door. I shut off the water and quickly dry myself off before throwing on whatever I could find. A t-shirt was left on the bed as well as some pajama pants.

I open the door to enter the hallway slowly, peeking my head out of the doorway. The hall was clear but someone was banging constantly against the door in the room next to mine. "Charlie?" I call out.

"Rosa! Go hide somewhere and get your gun." He demands as he continues trying to bust the door open. "Are you locked in? Let me-"

He cuts me off, "Go now!"

I do as he says and head back to the room I was in previously. Before I can make it I feel someone grab my hair, pulling me toward them. "Reunited once again Rosie." My eyes widen at the familiar voice. I attempt to get away but Dylan grabs me by my hair once again.

"You're not leaving me this time." He drags me by the hair down the stairs, causing me to hit my body against every step painfully until we reach the bottom. Charlie's attempts of getting out of the room could be heard in the background. "Let me go!" I scream as I dig my nails into the arm holding my hair. He yells before kicking me in the stomach.

He kneels down to my level, using both of his hands to grab my hair making me face him. His eyes were dark, displaying both fury and satisfaction. "Is this how you welcome the man you love? Don't make me hurt you Rosie, I'm already mad about your new boyfriend. Let's get out of here before he gets out."

We were passing the kitchen now and he gives me the chance to get up. I use the opportunity to try to create distance between us by kicking him in the groin and pulling away. "Rosa!" He exclaims as he crutches over briefly in pain.

I run over behind the counter and grab the knife sitting there. "Stay away from me!"

He chuckles a very sinister chuckle as he recollects himself. "You won't stab me Rosie." He approaches me slowly, "Put the knife down, and let's go." I continue backing away, leading him away from the kitchen and toward the living room. Finally, when he's away from any other weapons I take my chance to try to hit him. I aim for the abdomen but he catches my wrist and grabs the weapon.

He pulls me toward him bringing the knife to my throat as I'm caught in a headlock-like position. "Now let's go." Suddenly bullets can be heard from upstairs, "Quickly!" Dylan forcibly walks me out through the backdoor with the knife still pressed against my throat. The air was cool and the streets were empty due to the fact that the nearest neighbors were most likely 2 miles away. All that could be seen were trees until we reached Dylan's red pickup truck.

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