Chapter 6

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The big day was finally here. Cue the wedding music! Charlie and I had to both be up early to get to the venue two hours away from his house. We would be prepping for the wedding at the venue with everyone else and there was a lot to do.

"Where are my shoes!" Camille panicked as Mitchie and I rummaged through the dressing room looking for her missing heels. "I can't walk down the aisle without shoes! Everything is gonna be ruined!" Camille was on the verge of crying until a worker came in with a shoebox in hand. "These were found in your car ma'am." Camille sighs in relief as the woman hands them to her.

As you can see, Camille was slowly turning into a bridezilla. "Okay you have your shoes, you need to start getting ready." Mitchie tells her.

She sighs, "I suppose you're right." She looks over at the counter, "But where's my veil!"

I sigh before pointing to the dress, "It's right here! With your gown that you need to put on now!" It was getting very close to the time of the wedding and none of us were even dressed. Makeup and hair were all done but we still needed to get dressed. But for the past hour, Camille has been stalling.

"Camille are you afraid of putting it on?" Mitchie asks her. She sighs before sitting down, "I just feel like it'll make things official you know? It's such a big change. I'm getting married, like actually going to walk down the aisle in like an hour."

Mitchie and I both smile, "I know change is scary, but it can also be really good. You love him don't you?" Mitchie asks.

Cam nods, "With my whole heart."

"Then put on that dress, I promise you'll feel even better when you do." The two hug each other and I decide to join in. We all laugh as Camille attempts to hold back tears. "We'll check on you in a few minutes." I tell her. She nods as the two of us walk to our own dressing rooms.

I finally get the chance to pull on my dress and adjust my look. My dress fit comfortably on my small frame and my hair was slicked down. I put on my earrings and added lipstick before slipping on my shoes. I was just about ready when I heard a knock on my door. "Come in!" I call out.

The door opens and Charlie walks in with something in his hand that he was staring at. "Josiah wanted me to tell you-" When his gaze finally landed on me he stopped talking. He just stared for a couple of moments before speaking, "Wow."

I chuckle, "Do I look nice?" I ask as I spin around. He continues staring at me, completely speechless.

"You look absolutely breathtaking." He finally says. I blush and look away from him, "Thank you, what was it you wanted to tell me?"

"Oh right, um Josiah wanted you to tell Camille that her shoes are in the car."

"Oh, we already got them. Thanks though."

He continued to stare, "Okay bye Charlie." I chuckle as I shove him out of the doorway and shut the door. I guess I do look good, I smirk to myself.

Mitchie and I meet up in the hallway complimenting each other before walking into Camille's dressing room. Her dress was finally on and she was adjusting the sleeves. "You look so beautiful." I comment as I come up from behind. She looks up and smiles seeming like she's finally calmed down, "Thank you."

"I can't believe this is actually happening." Camille smiles as she stares at herself in the mirror. She looks at both of us in the reflection, "I love you guys." We smile before all joining in for a group hug, "We love you too."

The time was finally here as Josiah stood anxiously at the alter waiting for his fiancé to appear from the closed doors. Charlie was seated next to me with Mitchie on the other side. The doors finally opened and Eli walks out with Camille on his arm, leading her down the aisle as the wedding song plays.

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