Chapter 15- Solved

Start from the beginning

When they get back to the station they begin cleaning up the conference room when they hear a commotion in the kitchen area of the station. They walk out of the room to see Amanda arguing with Officer Woods. Amanda, who had merely been trying to get a cup of the crappy coffee when he had blocked her way, got angry pretty fast due to her lack of sleep.

"Come on, baby, don't be like that," he tells her, grabbing her wrist, making her grit her teeth.

"You have five seconds to remove your hand before I break it," she warns and he chuckles all through the count down until she grabs his hand, pries it off, and crushes it.

"Ow, you bitch!" He says, anger clear in his eyes.

"I told you to move it or I'd break it. Next time, I suggest you learn that no means no," she sasses before walking towards the conference room.

"Don't walk away from me," he commands, grabbing her arm with his other hand and she's about to break that one as well when suddenly, he lets go after getting sucker punched.

"I'm positive that she asked you to leave her alone earlier," Spencer tells him before the pain of punching someone kicks in and he winces, making Amanda giggle as she leads him away.

"Since when can Spence throw a punch?" JJ wonders softly.

"Since when does he have the muscle to drop someone with a punch," Morgan counters.

"I suspect Amanda taught him," Hotch answers them. "Anyone can knock someone down if they catch them off guard and put their weight behind the punch. Amanda learned that young." They all look at him in curiosity but he had gone back into the conference room to hurry up and get it clean while the sheriff arrests Officer Woods for the clear harassment of a federal agent.

They leave the station and head to the hotel to grab their things before heading to the jet. As soon as they get on the jet, Amanda drags Spencer to the back where she looks for a first aid kit, and then leads him to the couch to bandage his hand. "Why does punching people hurt so much," he complains and she giggles again.

"To discourage people from fighting I'd guess."

"It never stopped you."

"I don't have to throw a punch to hurt someone," she answers and he chuckles, knowing full well that she's right. While they joke and laugh as Amanda patches him up, they are completely oblivious to the team members watching them. Most of them are watching because they're still in shock that Spencer actually punched someone but Hotch is watching for a different reason.

Aaron Hotchner may not have been the perfect brother, or even a relatively good one, but one thing he was positive about was that Amanda hated trusting people. It was a result of years of abuse and a bad support system from himself and Sean. She didn't open up and let herself be happy around people. She always looked happy, she had a naturally cheery personality, but anyone that knew her, really knew her, could see the sadness, pain, and anger that laid beneath the surface.

Yet as he watched her with Spencer, it was as if she was truly happy. As if she trusted him completely, something Hotch didn't think she felt with anyone but Kristen. His suspicions are confirmed, however, when she lays on the couch with her head in his lap and demands he tell her a story.

"I don't know any stories," Spencer claims with a smile and Amanda scoffs.

"Lying is a mortal sin, Dr. Reid."

"You don't believe in the bible," he counters.

"Just tell me a story. Your voice is soothing and you woke me up. You know I have trouble sleeping," she says, making puppy dog eyes at him, knowing he could never say no when she looked at him like that, and sure enough, he caves immediately.

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