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Agalya's POV

It was Rajeev freakin Krishnan sitting in front of me.

My mouth went dry and my eyes were wide enough to make my eyeballs fall out. I guess I should've seen the picture that day itself.

He was out of the picture for years now, I thought he would never have the guts to come back after Bobby confronted him but I was wrong, he's sitting in front of me like a stone.

I'm gonna say a firm no from my side, I don't want to marry a guy who slapped me. All the memories flashed in front of my eyes again.

I bent and gave him a cup, he was looking at me with an unknown expression. His eyes were saying something, maybe sorry?

I turned to look at Yazhu, she was standing with a similar expression as mine. I wasn't able to read her mind.

Just then, Aki entered the scene. He was shocked but soon his shock turned into a smile. He forced a smile and Rajeev reciprocated it.

My chest was heaving up and down in tension. I know I've the option to say no but something's bothering me, maybe Bob... No no

Everyone was speaking while he asked eyeing my parents," if you elders permit us, may I speak with Agalya for some time". Not bad, he knows manners and all.

"Oh sure my dear son, you can take her to the balcony upstairs" my dad told and eyed Yazhu to accompany us.

The next minute, we were in the balcony. There was an awkward silence.

He broke it,"Agu! I-I am really sorry

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He broke it,"Agu! I-I am really sorry. I know I shouldn't have harassed you like that, I was really stupid. I'm feeling really guilty for what I've done". I was awestruck, is this the same arrogant flirty jerk whom I saw months ago. Has he really changed?

"How can I belive you? What if you're here to cheat me?" I asked frankly. His expression changed a little but he again said.

"Why would I Agu? If I want to cheat you, I can make you fall for me and throw you away but I didn't. I want to marry you and spend my life with you. I too thought that I would forget you after that incident but... No I wasn't able to.

You kept on running in my mind. I came to know that your parents are searching for groom so, I thought I would be the groom. I love you Agu" he said and at last his eyes were glistened.

I feel that he's saying the truth, his eyes are teary. I badly want to believe this but something's stopping me from. My intuition is suggesting something else. But I chose to beleive him.

"As I've told you earlier, I was madly in love with someone. He's with another girl now so it won't be a problem but I want to ask you, will you accept me with my past?" I asked. I spoke things from my heart that day.

"Gladly, I want you Agu. Past is anyways past, there's no use in thinking about it. I want to make up for my mistakes, take care of you like a princess and love you more than anything in this world" he said with a small smile.

This gives me an assurance that he has changed. I never knew that he loves me this much, he's ready to accept me with my flaws. Maybe he's the one.

Yeah, I've decided. I'm gonna move on from Bo... Aarav and be Rajeev's.

I smiled and said," Ok Rajeev, I trust you. I'm willing to marry you". He was on cloud 9, he took my knuckles in his fingers and said," thanks a lot Agu!".

I smiled at his excitement and said," Ok, I'm sure both our parents would be tensed now. Shall we go down and tell them our decision?" And he nodded firmly. I know I'm taking a life decision but I think it's better to trust him.

So we went down and told," we are ready to get married" and our parents joy knew no bounds.

But, Yazhu's face didn't show that much happiness, obvio she doesn't know anything that happened at the balcony. I mentally noted to talk to her after all this.

They all were talking about arrangements for the wedding while Rajeev was stealing glances of me frequently. I was able to notice him but I didn't blush, I didn't have the feel that I had with him. I should forget about him first, then only my life will be good I advised myself.

Aki sternly said that he wants to talk something to Rajeev in private so he took him to the terrace. They both came down with a great smile on their face. Maybe Aki too liked him.

After few moments they all went and I returned to my room tired. I was about to change while someone barged in. I definitely knew who, Yazhu.

"Do you even realise what you're doing Agu?" She asked with concern filling her face. "Yeah Yazhu, first sit down. Lemme explain this to you" I told and made her sit on the bed. I explained everything that happened earlier and my point of view except for the Bobby related thoughts.

There was a long pause after my explanation, she said," I don't know Agu, I'm still not able to generate trust on him but Aki seems to be convinced. I guess I should ask Aki to run a background check on him and also open up the incidents that happened during our final year" she told and sighed.

"No Yazhu, it would look like you're trying to spoil my life and would bring unwanted problems in yours. See, he seems to be genuine and Appa Amma likes him very much so don't worry" I said in efforts to convince her.

"Ennamo (whatever) take care and share with em if anything goes in a wrong path" she said and went out.

Hey chakkares,

Next is Aarav's POV, who is waiting?

And my book "Premam (also known as) Kadhal" has secured 2nd place in the Indian awards conducted by Rrrmsr... Thanks a lot my dear readers

Question of the day

Tag three bestfriends or sisters of yours that Watty has given you!

Tag three bestfriends or sisters of yours that Watty has given you!

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