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Agalya's POV

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Agalya's POV

And I said yes without thinking much. Yeah, I need to have a life of mine. How many days am I gonna go around as a love failure?

He's happy with his girlfriend and why should I alone suffer? I remembered Atlee's lines 'there's life after love failure'.

My dad's face bloomed like a flower that was watered after several days. His eyes pooled with tears. He told," Thanks Kanna" kissing my fore head.

I smiled faintly at him. He didn't notice a small teardrop that left my eyes as it was dark.

"Kuttu we got a good proposal for you today, his name is..." My dad started but I cut him off by saying ," No appa, I've full trust on you. You'll never make any wrong decision in my life. So, I don't want to know neither his name nor his profile"

He smiled proudly and told," that's my baby girl". "I and mom loved the boy ma, moreover he's my old friend's son so we can trust him. He has seen you earlier it seems so he asked his parents to send this proposal, how of a well mannered boy" he continued.

Soooo I'm gonna get married. Maybe I should accept this happily instead of mourning over my past failure. Maybe he'll be a guy who would take care of me like a princess. I wonder where he has seen me before.

"Ok ma, good night. I'll contact the boy's family in the morning. I'm really happy for you Kanna" he told and went out.

I was blank. I don't know, I don't know whether to smile or cry. I chose to smile but my mind questioned me,don't you still love him?... And I was unsure. Do I?

I woke up the next morning to see my mom standing in front of me wearing a bright red silk saree, a hearty smile on her face and a sweet box in her hand. I didn't understand what was happening for a second as I totally forgot what dad spoke yesterday.

She hugged me like a Koala bear and said," En Chellam!(My dear!) I'm really happy for you. The groom's family is coming to see you today evening!"

What? I thought I would have some time but everything's happening in jet speed here.

"What?!?!? This early? I thought it would take atleast few weeks" I told giving an unbelievable look.

"They liked you a lot so they wanted to meet you ASAP" she told mimicing British accent for ASAP. She's on cloud 9 which is obvious.

"First eat this sweet" she told and stuffed a whole gulab jamun into my mouthread
said with a mischievous smile. I gave her an unbelievable look again.

She pinched my cheeks lovingly and hurried outside. I was wondering what was happening in my life. This is my life only but seems like the author is someone else.

Aarav's POV

It was early in the morning. I reached hospital early as I need to take a look into few medical files. I greeted everyone on my way and reached my room.

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