Chapter 20

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"Ale..." Ana moved through the kitchen towards her lover and was left gasping as he reached for her waist and pulled her against him, taking her lips with his and pummeling her mouth as though he knew they were on borrowed time.

Their relationship was a secret, it had been for years, it had to be that way, Camila idolized her mother, she would never understand that her father had needs, he had a life to live beyond the death of his wife and his youngest child.

"Thank you for taking me with you to The Keys, it was the most beautiful night until..."

"I don't want to speak of that" snapped Alejandro as he pulled Ana to his lap and kissed her deeply once more

"Ale, I'm worried about Camila. I love her like a sister, a mother even but she's becoming so reliant on Shawn, it scares me, what will she do when he's gone?" She ran her fingers gently through Alejandros hair and gently kissed his forehead

" My cousin will take good care of her, without the complications of Shawn"

"I'm scared it's more than a crush though my love, maybe he should leave sooner, save Camila becoming any more attatched"

" Ana the hand over is in 10 days, until then Shawn stays, he is good at his job, he keeps Camila safe and for once she isn't trying to get rid of him like she was the others"

" Because she likes him Ale, don't you see?"

"Camila has a boyfriend Raffe, Michaels boy"

"He isn't the one she watches, the one she plays up for, she wants Shawn and unless you want her hurt the sooner you get rid of him the better"


"Oh fuck... oh Shawn!!!!" Camila grabbed at Shawns hair roughly and pulled him as close to her as he could possibly. His tongue moving in and out of her entrance as his thumb drew circles on her clit. Her own fingers teased her nipples and Shawns tongue and thumb drove her full speed to towards the edge of her control.

As her world sparked into shards of different colours and her body spasmed against her lovers face she couldn't help but hold him there. Loving the intimacy of his breath against her most sensitive space.

Shawn on the other hand stayed put, forcing himself to breathe slowly and willing his blood to cool quickly. Every inch of his body was screaming at him to grab her and take her, the blood pounding in his groin begging for release but he refused to give in because he long knew the reward of waiting


"Just give me a second" he closed his eyes and focused on his breathing, thinking back to some of the worst sights he had witnessed to help the blood disperse more quickly as Camila pulled her clothes back on and eyed him with interest.

"Why do you do this? Deprive yourself of what your body wants?" Lifting his head from the duvet he smiled up at her

"Because it makes it so much better when I eventually give in" he finally felt ready to move so he pushed himself up from the floor and pulled his t-shirt back on before taking a seat next to her and taking her hand in his.

"How did you even realise that?"

Shawn looked down at their joined hands as though he was considering something and then looked back to Camila

"When I was in the army we would be deployed for months at a time. I was so focused on the job that I didn't have space in my head to think about sex or masturbation or anything other than working if I'm honest then when I got home and finally had sex the feeling was mind blowing so I just got into the routine of depriving myself each time I was away and the pay off when I got back always made it worth it. When I left the army and joined the police force I just started to use the same tactic in my relationship. Deprive myself for as long as possible whilst providing her with as much pleasure as I could until I couldn't deprive myself anymore and then boom, it was the most amazing sex, and the most amazing orgasm for both of us"

"So was it just the one relationship or multiple?" Camila couldn't help but feel slightly jealous at the thought of Shawn with other women but she wasn't a fool she knew skills like his had to be gathered though lots and lots of practise

"Just the one relationship and then some casual situations"

"Was it long term or..."

"2 years"

"So what happened, tell me about it, I'm interested in Shawn before I knew you?"

"She died Camila" A look came over Shawns face that Camila couldn't place. It didn't look like grief but it was dark... scary and it made her feel uncomfortable, she made a silent promise to herself there and then never to talk to Shawn about his dead ex girlfriend again

"I guess we both know grief then" she said with a sad half smile on her face

"Just not in the same way" he said mysteriously and then stood up and headed towards the door. "I'm gonna clean up and then I need to speak to your dad. I would hate to have a conversation with a man whilst the scent of his daughter was still on my breath" he winked cheekily and then exited the room leaving Camila with 100 questions she didn't have when he entered the room just 45 minutes earlier

* War Zone is number 3 on the Shawn Mendes tag so Thank you so much to everyone that has stuck around to chapter 20, your votes and comments inspire me to keep updating x

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