Chapter 50 | probably a situationship

Start from the beginning

"I don't want to give up, but so many odds and ends have happened in my life due to him. I need to let go and move on."

Orlando's gaze buckled and those deep grey radars of his drank me in.

Perhaps, someone might have scribed ill-disciplined words on my forehead, but that wasn't the case.

What then was my case with him?

Orlando's lips were wide open, but he didn't speak.

He inspected my silhouette and grimaced. "Mr. Horton is scared stiff all night."

Was that pain in Orlando's eyes?

He blinked and masked it behind a steady, strict, and composed rock-man-certified demeanor.

"It's hard for him to let go of whosoever he loves. You must tell him the truth, soon."

"I mustn't okay? This situation is already pretty messed-up, the drama hit home badly and..."

I bit back my words and poked my tongue against my cheek.

Did Orlando know I was adrift?

"Have you figured out what Dwain's reaction would be when he learns that I tricked him?"

He shuffled a hand through his straight hair and scratched his neck.

What came to his mind?

Did I frustrate him or something?

Why did he stick his nose in the wrong grave?

Orlando had dug up the fattest lie in my closet.

Wasn't all this weird?

Lost in memory lane, he tucked his lips and hooked them between his front vampire teeth.

"Yeah, drama sucks."

One muddy pit which held my scandals visited me. "I bet it does."

"Look at me," his taut deepened.

He tried hard to steal a grin from me, but his act flopped.

His thumb brushed my cheek, scrubbed all waterworks, and my back stiffened.

"Dark moments happen, pain comes and goes every time but we fight for what we want. It's a choice to be happy. Hey," his tenor sloped to a short-lived slur. "Please, pick Dwain."

Holy cow!

Did his lips flop or what?

Mr. XY called Dwain by name and to be honest; his melodic accent caroled Dwain's name.

Yes, the dude didn't stutter.

Soft-paced, punctuated in poetic style as each vowel melted off his tongue like whipped caramel cream.

It was silvery.

"It's a first, Mr. XY."

His brows furrowed at me, mandibles tensed up, and his eyes flew wide alert.

I smiled at his flawless confusion.

"You said his name."

"Just so you know Mrs. Horton," for another first this evening, Orlando's eyes brighten. "That was being truly, truly sincere."

Hairs roofed his face and a crimson pout sucked his dimples as he ogled me. "He matters to you, doesn't he?"

I reached out for his stumble and left a quick-friendly pat. "Man up, and spill whatsoever facts you are hiding."

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