❁ Chapter 47 | harry

Start from the beginning

I roll my eyes, taking another bite of my burger before looking back up to Casey. "How's the new single life."

"Lonely and sad." Casey chuckles shaking her head and sipping her milkshake. "It's a weird feeling. I know that we weren't together for too long but it all happened really fast. It's hard to believe someone would do something like that. Especially someone I really loved and trusted. You know that some days are worse than others for me and that's when I call you."

My heart wrenches hearing her words before responding to her softly. "People can be really selfish sometimes. It happens to the best of us."

I know Casey has been through a lot of unimaginable things. She's lived most of her life surrounded by selfish and terrible people and I can't help but feel for her.

"Not to be rude or anything but have you ever considered therapy?" I question making her look up at me with a laugh.

"Therapy?" She repeats, not exactly sure if she's heard me right. "I have you. Why do I need therapy?"

"Just something to consider." I say. "As your best friend, I can help and I'll always be here for you but I won't always have the answers that might be able to help you. Plus I know you've gone through so much, Casey. This might be really good for you."

I remember going to therapy growing up as a teenager. It was something my mum wanted me and Gemma to try after my father had moved out. She'd known how much hurt he'd caused our family and although he never physically laid a hand on us, he was very verbally abusive. I'm so thankful to have had my mum as a role-model rather than that asshole.

"I don't know if I'd trust a stranger." She says looking down. "It seems like a lot."

"I was a stranger once." I point out. "You're comfortable with me."

Casey shakes her head, "Yeah but I had to build up to trusting you. It was a process."

"Yeah? Well so is this." I respond. "Just try one session and see what happens."

For the rest of the day, I spend more time talking to Casey and hanging out when I finally decide to go home and wait for Nina.

Today was Sunday, which meant Lenny had class tomorrow but she wanted to stay with Rosa for the weekend again and Rosa gave in saying she'd take her to school the next day. I remember Nina wanting to pick up a few things for Lenny before dropping it off at her moms the next morning but I was going to take this opportunity to speak to her about what's been bothering her lately. It's really killing me not knowing.

So now I'm seated at the table, just finished dinner when the doorbell rings.

Walking over, I open the door widely, greeting Nina. "Hey."

She gives me an nod, quietly responding to me under her breath before walking past me.

I shut the door, feeling the awkward silence become uncomfortable very rapidly as she walks towards the living room.

"How are you?" I question trying to make conversation with her.

"Fine." She mutters back. Her tone isn't harsh but it's very mono-tone.

I slip my hands into the pockets of my hoodie, shrugging my shoulders up before relaxing them. "Can you remind Lenny to practice her words? Teacher says she needs more work on that."


I wonder if this has anything to do with her job interview. I was really hoping she'd get it.

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