
231 7 0

Requester: N/A
Prompt: #130, "Stay the night. Please."
Gender: M/F
Word count: 430

You sigh, turning onto your side. Your blanket falls over your shoulder, so you move to throw it back over, twisting your body so that it covers your back. You were starting to get annoyed with these sleepless nights, but after seeing Carolina on the training room floor the day she got her new AIs, you had begun to have nightmares about your own implantations. You worried for Wash and South, too.

You close your eyes, trying to ease the troubles in your mind by just pretending they aren't there. Maybe thinking about something else could help. Like, what if someone was at your door right now? What would you do? What if a certain Freelancer who won't be named but has certainly been on your mind an awful lot lately (and totally not because you think his cute little freckled face is absolutely fucking precious) was standing right there, about to knock? It was crazy, the things a complicated mind could come up with. The knocking sounded almost... Real? Wait.

You open your eyes, squinting in the darkness. The knocking happens again. With a huff, you throw your blankets off yourself, walking up to the door and clicking the button beside it. The door slides open with a hiss.

"Uh, hey, (S/N)," Wash says, looking at you sheepishly. His hand is on the back of his neck, and he shifts uncomfortably under your gaze. "I heard you stirring. I- ...just wanted to check and make sure you were alright." You feel your heart sink slightly.

"Um... Yeah. I'm alright... Just... Thinking about what happened... With..."

"With Carolina. I know..."

"I just-.. I guess I'm a little worried." He laughs.

"Yeah, imagine how I feel. I'm next in line for the damn things." He looks at you, a smile barely gracing his lips for a moment before he seemingly becomes aware of himself, and it's gone. He looks away. "The Director says he should have mine ready in a day or two. Guess I should go back to my room and get some rest..."

He turns to start to leave, but you catch his wrist gently. He looks at you, confused and startled. You blush softly and avoid his eyes.

"Stay the night. Please. I think we'll both have better luck sleeping tonight if we're not so... lonely, I guess," you request softly, stepping aside. His gaze softens, and he steps into your room, the door hissing shut behind him.

"Okay," he says quietly. "Let's test that theory. And maybe I won't mind coming back if it actually works."

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