
228 9 0

Requester: N/A
Prompt: #33, "Let's stay in bed."
Gender: M/F
Wordcount: 178

You open your eyes slowly, humming quietly. There's a comfortable air in the room, a sense of safety coming from the weight of Grif's arms around your waist. He nuzzles into your neck, still snoring softly. You can hear Sarge outside, asking Simmons and Donut where Grif is. You turn around slowly, pressing gentle kisses to Grif's face.

"Grif, baby, we gotta get up. We have things to do," you say softly, trying to wake him up gently. You're met with a groan.

"Man, fuck Sarge," he says tiredly. "Let's stay in bed." His arms tighten around your waist, preventing you from getting up, even if you had wanted to. You didn't want to.

"Grif, come on. You know we're not allowed to do that."

"Fuck what we're allowed to do. I'm tired. I ain't movin'..."

You sigh, curling up and making yourself comfortable against Grif. If you can't beat 'em, join 'em. He smiles against your head, and you allow yourself to yawn. Eventually, as you listen to Grif start snoring again, you fall asleep, too.

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