
201 7 0

Requester: N/A
Prompt #175, "You think you're so hot, so sexy, so fucking irresistible- and God dammit I hate that you're right!"
Gender: M/F
Word count: 902

You stick your nose further into your book, trying to ignore the orange-accented armour pacing back and forth in front of you. He was going on about some idiot sim troops or something. You couldn't be bothered to listen to Felix's stupid rantings, it always devolved into something completely unrelated anyway. He stops in front of you, turning towards you suddenly.

"You're not even fucking listening to me, are you?" He shouts incredulously. You look up from your book slowly.

"Huh? Oh, no, I'm listening," you lie smoothly. He narrows his eyes at you.

"Well, fine. It's your loss, anyway," he responds coldly. "I was just saying how Command is sending us our next shipment of equipment to try and finish this God-forsaken mission once and for all. But if you're not going to listen to me, then, I guess it's just up to me and Locus to pick and choose what we want." You roll your eyes.

"No you weren't, jackass," you state matter-of-factly. You see him stand straighter at being called out on his bullshit. You raise an eyebrow. He recovers smoothly, and walks away, with his head held high. You smugly go back to reading your book.

A few days later, you're sketching out a plan for the next course of action while Felix rants and raves about some blue guy using him as a means of target practice

in order for said blue and his buddies to be given permission to seek out their friends.

"And then he has the fucking audacity to try and surprise me with his stupid glowy ass sword! Me! I could fucking slit his throat in under 3 seconds! Who does he think he is? He could never fucking beat me!" You hum quietly to yourself.

"That's real nice, Felix. Have you gotten a general idea of their fighting styles? It'd be a hell of a lot easier to take these sim troopers out if we know what we're up against," you interrupt. You were getting annoyed with his narcissism. He thinks he's soo cool.

"I- wh-" he stutters briefly.

"That would be a no," you substitute for him.

"Of course I do!" He finally manages. "What do you take me for? Someone who's bad at my job? I mean, just look at me!" He gestures to himself confidently. You ignore him. He stood there, staring at you for a long while. You pretended to not care about the uncomfortable feeling of his eyes boring holes into the top of your skull as you sketched. He finally leans over and tilts his head at you slightly.

"So you're telling me you're not even the tiniest bit into me, huh?" He questions, dropping his voice a few octaves. You barely lift your eyes to meet his.

"Nope," you say, with a slight pop to the 'p'. You smirk as surprise flashed through his eyes, but it doesn't stay for long at all, and you recognize the look he gets when he starts forming a plan.

A couple of days go by. Felix is telling you about the plan that he and Locus came up with. Trapping the two militaries in the same place, and completely demolishing both armies. You tilt your head as you listen, cleaning your weapons. You would be assisting at this point in the plan.

"And then Locus and I will gather our dear sim troopers, and their freelancer buddy, and wipe them out," Felix finishes proudly.

"Aren't you worried they might best you?" You look up at him finally, your full attention on him for once. He lifts an eyebrow and smirks.

"Not at all, actually. Why? Are you... Worried?" He teases.

"Well, there's 8 of them, and two of you," you reason mildly, keeping your temper in check by returning your attention to the gun in your grasp. He dismisses your concern with a wave of his hand.

"Relax, (Y/N). Locus and I can handle ourselves. There's a reason we're the ones on the field all the time, after all," he says, and you can hear the smug grin in his voice. With a growl, you slam the weapon onto the table and get up. You approach him and grab the collar of his shirt in your fist.

"You think you're so fucking cool, don't you? You think you're so badass. So untouchable! You think you're so hot, so sexy, so fucking irresistible-" you cut yourself off as you watch his grin grow into a triumphant smile- "And Goddammit, I hate that you're right."

You drop him, turning away. He stands there for a long time, total shock completely taking over his entire expression. He places one hand on your shoulder and reaches across you to put the other on your cheek, turning your head to make your eyes meet. There's a fire that burns in his gaze.

"Why don't you do something about it, then?" He taunts. You glare daggers at him, your body moving without permission to bring your hands up to either side of his face, pulling him close and smushing your lips together.

You hold him there for a while, feeling the hand on your cheek move to the back of your neck in a slick attempt to take control. You back off before he has the chance to, though.

"You better not fucking die out there, Isaac." You warn. He smirks.

"I won't."

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