Chapter 1: The Introduction

Start from the beginning


Your goal is to Survive.

Well, that's fine with me. As long as I'm not the murderer.

"Hey guys, why don't we just try to escape? After all, there's an open gate right there." Dan points out. Colleen looks at him in disbelief.

"Dan, if they can kidnap all 30 of us after your party, they can definitely have some security that would stop us." Colleen rolls her eyes. A few others, including myself nod in agreement.

"Colleen is definitely correct, there's not a possible way they left a gate open for us to escape a giant murder game they set up just for us. I don't even know how they're gonna do this whole voting thing either, not like they'd be this smart and just leave an escape open." Liza agrees, while theorizing.

"I'm going inside the house, I need to sit down for a little and cool off." I alert everybody.

"I am also." I hear Ash say after I walk into the house. I sit down on the couch and theorize about the murderer. Well, it could very well be Dan, and that he staged this after his party, but that's a little too obvious. The door swings open again and Ash takes a seat on the couch next to me. I don't think the murderer would've staged this, I think these people behind the cameras are just psychopaths and want us to go insane.


I grab a water out of the fridge, and I screw the top off. I take a sip of the water and walk up the stairs of the house. I walk around and boy, there's a lot of bedrooms. They all have names labeled on them for who's in that room. I walk around for a bit until I find one labeled 'Jo'. I swing open the door, place my water on the desk, and jump into the bed. I'm so tired from Dan's party last night, but I just can't go to sleep. Gosh, I hate that feeling.

All of a sudden, the light in the hallway goes out.

"It's 2 AM. The lights flicker out and you all scurry in panic."

"It's time for the Murderer to play."


No. I can't be the murderer. It's not possible, right? I'm wrong. I am the murderer. Well, I must choose a victim before the lights come back on. I walk into the kitchen of the farmhouse and sure enough there's a knife in there that's sharp enough to murder somebody with.

I walk back outside to where I found my target earlier, and sure enough they're still in the same spot. I try to sneak up behind them without them noticing, but they hear my footsteps and look behind them. They see me holding the knife, 10 feet away from them, they of course, start running away. I'm lucky I chose one of the slowest people here, because I catch up to them with no trouble and stab them once in the back.

I knew this person wasn't fast, but what I didn't know was that they knew how to fight. Because they bounce back at me and punch me in the chest. It hurt a damn lot, but I didn't want him to know that. So what I do is I kick him in the stomach, and sure enough he falls over. I stab him in the gut multiple times until I know he's dead, and then I clean up all the blood and leave him there in the mud.

I walk back to the house, and I go to clean off the knife I used so nobody can trace my fingerprints. I grab a washcloth and I put the sink on cold water. I put the washcloth under the water and then I rub the washcloth on the knife. Just to make sure, I run the knife under the water, put it back where it belongs in the kitchen, and go back to sleep.


"You hear the power generator turning back on..."

If somebody died last night, at least I can be sure Ash didn't commit murder. We sat together in the living room for the entire night.

"The lights turn back on. Houseguests arise from their slumber."

Ash and I walk outside. Something just doesn't seem right.

"Something seems... off..."

"Hmm... it's right... something does seem off..." Trey acknowledges.

"Oh my! It appears one has died!"

"Jean-Claude died from the Murderer. They were tossed into the mud."

"Well, guys, Ash can't be the culprit. Ash and I stayed up all night sitting on the couch." I let everybody know.

"This is true, it cannot be Alex." Ash cuts me from the suspect list.

"I have news from our investigator as to who they believe the murderer is."

"The investigator believes the murderer is Dan."

End of chapter 1. Word count: 1469 (decent I guess)

A/N:Heyo, so this is the first chapter, and I didn't drop a clue. Just so you know, anything you find in this chapter is unintentional and invalid.

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