She will take Jennie to an environment she feels comfortable in which would be a shopping mall, then she will buy her some clothes and while they eat milk ice cream, she will tell her the truth.

The only problem: Shopping is one of the things Jisoo will never find anything close to pleasure in.

Dragging herself from shelf to shelf and store to store is tormenting. Normally she just takes the first appropriate item she sees and buys it, but with Jennie insisting on taking her time and trying out the clothes first before you buy them, she couldn't do her normal routine. Or rather never again.

Jisoo thought she would never not feel anything than annoyance while shopping but whenever she saw Jennie happily showing off a set of clothes she was trying out, she thought maybe there is also something good in it. She can see Jennie in various cute outfits and more than that, see's her gummy smile.

Even so, she was still exhausted, she couldn't deny that and even Jennie's eyes turning into crescents and her cheeks puffing up as a smile takes over her pretty face, were not able to erase that fact.

"This is the last one, I promise." Jennie said before she disappeared into the changing cubicle.

Jisoo waited patiently on a chair beside it, hearing the girl next to her sigh. She glanced at her from the corner of her eyes and noticed the exhaustion on her face.

"Waiting too?" Jisoo asked bluntly.

"Yeah.... My wife to be has been making me carry her bags since early morning..." The chestnut brown haired girl huffed a breath.

"I know how that feels." Jisoo chuckled, the only difference was that Jisoo was the one who chose to come here with her wife and not the other way around.

The raven chitchatted with the stranger beside her until one of their partners finally came out to show her outfit out. To Jisoo's surprise it wasn't Jennie but the other girl's partner. Who looked very familiar.

"Jaesu?" The monolid feline eyes immediately reminded her. Ningning.

Jisoo stood up and greeted the girl who was wearing a yellow dress. "It's Jisoo."

"Right." Ningning nodded half intersted. Giselle also stood up and looked between the two in confusion. "Is my sister here too? You didn't leave her alone, did you?" A sharp judging gaze was aimed at Jisoo.

"No. She's with me. Rest assured." Jisoo lifted her hands in surrender. "But now that you mention it, she is taking long." Which made Jisoo start to worry.

"If you would excuse me for a second." She said before she went to Jennie's changing cabin.

"Honey? Still in there?" Jisoo called out quietly. In response her hand was grabbed and she was pulled into the cabin. "What's wrong--" The words kind of fell short as she saw Jennie in her undergarment. She instantly closed her eyes and turned her back to her, her face dusting bright red.

"It doesn't fit me." Jennie grunted behind her.

"So let's get a different size..." Jisoo muttered.

Even though her eyes were closed the vivid image of Jennie's perky breasts inside her black lacy bra was haunting her mind. And if she even thought about her matching panties she would short circuit.

"You don't get it, darling." Jennie huffed displeased, stepping closer. "It used to fit me. I gained weight. I blame you."

"You blame me...?" Jisoo asked perplexed, shivering as she could feel Jennie's hand on her shoulders.

"Yes." Jennie clutched her arms and turned her around, being face to face. "You fed me too much."

"Now it sounds like you are my Tamagotchi." Jisoo chuckled, lifting her head and staring at the ceiling in order to avoid Jennie's glory.

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