Chapter 14

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Does He really care about me? Do I matter to Him?

If there a millions of animals, species and humans, why should Allah especially take care of me, why would I matter to Him if there are soo many people. People who are better than me, financially or successful or more beautiful than me. Why should I matter to Him?

First: Allah does not judge you based on your looks or wealth or your success in this life but on your deeds and faith!

However, here is the thing: Imagine a cat brings 7 kittens to the world. Despite the large number, the mommy cat still loves her babies. There are animals who bear many babies and they take care of each one! The mother doesnt say I dont like this or that one, it loves them equally and it would cry nights if you would take away one baby. 

And Allah has created all of the humans. This large number of human beings does not affect His love and Mercy upon us!

There are more than 6 billion people on earth plus the people who lived before us. And just like the cat takes care and loves each kitten, Allah loves each of His creation (the good people and believers because Allah hates the unjust and evil), no matter how large the number is.

You may think, if He loves me why do I go through tests and hard times? Allah is most Merciful, He tests you for a short time with difficulties in order to see your patience for Him and in reward you will be gifted with endless paradise, as mentioned before!

Abu Huraira reported: The Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings be upon him, said, "If
Allah wills good for someone, He afflicts him with trials."

(Source: Ṣaḥīḥ al-Bukhārī 5321)

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