Chapter 13

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Has He planned everything? Did He gave humans really a will? How? Doesn't He know the future?

Allah has written, everything that will happen in our lives and on earth 50 000 years ago.

Now in order to understand that, please watch the video below:

Allah knows what is going to happen in our future, He knows all the things what happened and what will happen.

However, just because He knows the result and the option you will choose, does not mean that you don't have a free will!

Allah is the Creator of this creation. He gave us surely will!

Imagine if we wouldnt have had a free will, then we would not be humans but something like robots. Allah gives us options which we can choose BUT each option that we choose Allah knows. As I mentioned often before, that Allah is the All knowing there is something which is called 'Al-Qadr'.

Now before continuing to read from here, please watch the video below to understand this complex topic in a easy way :)

Al-Qadr is the concept that Allah knows EVERYTHING and has already decided everything that WILL happen. We believe that nothing can happen without the will of Allah. Many people now misunderstand this concept. Many people make choices but when they do them, they say it was their Qadr and it wasn't their fault to make that choice.

There is a hadith about this:

Anas ibn Malik reported: A man said, "O Messenger of Allah, should I tie my camel and trust in Allah, or should I leave her untied and trust in Allah?" The Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him, said, "Tie her and trust in Allah."

(Source: Sunan al-Tirmidhī 2517)

So do your action, then trust in Allah. Because He is the best of planners. Imagine you have an exam but without studying it is almost impossible. So you study first and leave the rest to Allah! Even if you studied a lot and fail, there is a reason. Dont worry about the fails in your exams, many people are confronted with that. But dont give up because Allah tests our Sabr (patience) as well!

Allah has written our Qadr. When we will die, what we will go through, how we will react.

"and Allah does what He wills" (Quran 14:27)

It would be pathetic of the creation to ASK the creator that His decision is unfair, injustly, egotistic or wrong. Because Allah is the Lord and He doesnt behave injustly like humans for example. He created His creation and is Merciful towards us.

Allah is the Creator of all things, and He is the Maintainer of everything. (Quran 39:62)

If you still think that Allah is bad, then try to change your persepctive and look at things differently. Do you keep yourself alive or is it Allah? Do you wake up every morning or does Allah wake you up? There are thousands of people who cant get up in the morning because they died during the night. Is it you, who has controll over your cells or heart and organs? Who keeps you alive?

In life we trust the next chapter, because we trust the author!

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