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          "All of you will try not to be seen. And If you got caught, then you'll have to run away from the tagger, alright? Y/N get over here." Sister Krone smiled. You slumped with each step towards her with a great frown. "Is it clear for all of you?" She smirked. Everyone agreed and as the game began each of you ran away to find their own spots.

          You ran as well, but you looked like a dog, dragging your feet behind you lazily as you did not want to participate in the game. But you did as you were told and began jogging to a nearby tree. You climbed up the branches and concealed your presence below all the leaves. You continued to be dead silent as you stared into the ground. Minutes had passed and Krone was close to your hiding area. Her head turned to each side to find any children as she swayed her body in an abnormal dance.

            You shiver at the sight. After a long time, she found one of the kids and chased after another. Soon after that, you decided to leave the tree and find another spot since she was near you the last time. Running silently upon the green grass you made sure to keep great distance from the woman. 

             You kept dashing tree after tree but ducking as you saw her again. How did she get here so fast? You hid behind a branch that seemed to cover your whole and you continued to spy on her for a good minute.

Phil's POV

         It was really surprising to see Y/N playing with us again. I don't wanna be near her at all. She seems to scary and mean. Even though her face looks so nice and pretty, all she could say are harsh things. I wanted to cry when I saw her hit Don. I walked into the forest casually, knowing that Sister Krone was probably out somewhere.

         But I saw her, I gasp and covered my mouth. Slowly, I backed away to remove my sense from her but she caught me quickly with a wide, disturbing grin. I was pulled away as I was dragged with immense strength. The person seemed to have high speed as I could barely see Krone's figure from the  distance. 

              "Grrrrr! You idiot! Quit strolling around like that!" The person says between gasps. I looked up to see Y/N! Holding my collar as she ran like lightning. Once Krone was out of our sight, she set me down behind a boulder. "Are you stupid? She could have found you! Stop acting all cute and stay quiet you piece of useless crap!" She loudly whispered.

           My eyes began to water as I met her hateful orbs. "I-I'm sorry..." I cried quietly. All she did was stare at me coldly and turn her back away to inspect any signs of the woman.  She did not care if I cried, she only cared about winning.

           She covered my mouth with her hand. "Shhh." She demanded, hugging my body protectively while looking away at someone. She was glaring at Sister Krone who seems to have gotten an idea where we were.

          "Y/N? Phil? You in there?" The woman giggled, inspecting every crook and cranny of the forest. Y/N then shot her head back at me and stared into my eyes. "Listen, I want you to stay silent. You got that?" I quietly nodded my head. "Good." She grunted and picked me up in her arms while dashing away. 

             Krone caught us and chased us both as her mighty legs carried her like thunder. "Y/N, she's catching up..." She looked back at me with hate. Then she looked up and scowled. "Tch." 

            "Y/NNN!~ Just give up because you can't win~" The lady hummed while trying to catch us. Y/N stayed silent and continued to run fastly. The sister grabbed Y/N's arms and pulled her to a stop. She gasped and turned away with a nasty scowl. She then set me down, knowing that we have lost the game.

                She looked back at sister Krone, but only this time, she had a smile. "Looks like you found us! C'mon Phil let's go back!" Y/N beamed while pulling my arms and dragging me away. I know that this was all play. Y/N will never look so happy, so she swallowed her defeat with a small, pretend, smile. As soon as we were far from the woman, Y/N's face had turned dark as she creased her lips shut and tightning her grasp around my arm. 

               I stayed silent, she would probably hit me if I didn't. "Welcome back Phil! Y/N." The kids said in joy but only muttered Y/N's name. I was surprised. We were the last one Krone found? "Wow, Y/N's so good at games, but I wonder why she doesn't play..." The children whispered but I only grew worried.

              Y/N only stood silent as always while keeping a an unemotional expression, as if she didn't care she won. But why was she so desperate on winning earlier? "Alright everyone, Phil and Y/N are the winners!" Krone said and everyone congratulated.

End of POV

                "Y/N! Why don't you play with us more often?" Emma sighed. "It's just a waste of time." Y/N grunts. "You did good out there." Norman complimented with a smile. You blushed, looking away from the albino. "Hey Norman! How does it feel to not be the winner of the game for the first time?" The ginger snickered, giggling all the while. "Honestly, it doesn't matter." He replied with a beam.

             "Yo." Ray muttered aloud. "Hey!" Orange girl said. "Hello, Ray." Norman greeted politely. "So, Y/N. The winner? How surprisinggg." He exclaimed in sarcasm. Why were people making a big deal out of this that you're the winner? "Yeah." Y/N grunts. 

             "Anyway, I'll try to win Sister's trust. I'll gain information then share it with you three." You stated plainly. "Hopefully you don't screw up with your anger issues." The black haired boy replied. "Tch." You scowled with a glare. "And will get everyone to hear it to!" Emma added.

           "Then we could really convince them to escape with us." The albino continued. "Later night, I'll talk to that woman." Y/N said. "Sounds good." Emma and Norman declared. With that, you walked away with boredom and head inside the house. 

              "It would have to be tonight." You muttered aloud. "What's tonight?" Isabella suddenly came, giving you a wide smirk. 

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