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               "Y/N! Why did you do that?" Norman exclaimed in fret with a hint of anger. "I would never let anyone get away with violence." You grunt. "You committed violence too, you know." He sighed. "Of course I did. If it was anyone, I wouldn't mind. But when it's you I-" You paused, not wanting to expose anymore feelings. "You what?" He crossed his arms. "Because you like me, right?" You slowly nodded your head. 

                He furrowed his brows as he blushed. Then, he gently grasp onto your shoulders with a soft expression. "There's nothing wrong with you liking me. Just don't hurt anyone because of it." He brought his hands to your cheek, gently soothing it. You did the same and caressed the bruise that Don left on his face. Your complexion contorted into worry as you stared at the purple mark.

                He chuckled as he turned his head to kiss your palms, blushing as he did so. "I understood why Don did this. You would do the same if you knew I was dead, right? It's just the feeling of loss and rage and you must release it. Even if the outcome is violence." You stood confused as he said those words. 

             Actually, you didn't regret what happened earlier. If he hits Norman, he hits Norman. You didn't care about the emotions that drove him to do it. But nevertheless, you nodded your head to act like you understood. Slowly, you slid your E/C orbs with his and you noticed how handsome he was. His eyes that twinkle with reassurance. He stared back at you kindly with his lips that curve into a tender smile.

           You went up to his face to give him a small peck on his cheeks before running away out of the room. After some time of racing away with great distance the tall woman stopped you. "Hello Y/N! That was some performance earlier! Looks like you aren't what I thought you were." Sister Krone chuckled, bending down to pat your head. "For a pretty lady like you, I didn't expect your feisty side!" She smiled brightly.

                "Join me and the other kids. Let's all play tag! I'll be it!" She announced. The kids behind her shook their heads. Last time it didn't end so well and everyone was too frightened to play with you. You swallowed the urge to decline, but you didn't want your first impression on her to be so cold. You gladly accepted after battling with endless repulsion. You should gain her trust to obtain information on any sort.

              "Sure, why not?" You grin widely, (for the first time). All the children began shivering as you said those words. You were going to play? After your panic attack? "That's great!" The tall woman lifted you in her arms and spun you around. That sick feel returned and you gasped. Not in surprise, but in blazing hate. How dare she do this to you?! You smiled with your eyes closed to conceal your deadly eyes that would stare at her with acid. E/C orbs that are too deadly for this world.

               "P-Put me down." You giggled with a hint of venom. But in all truthfulness, you were displeased, wanting to insult her in many ways until her blood pours from her ears. "Don't be shy! I'll carry you outside." She insisted. That furiated you, you shot your toxic eyes at her in a warn as you growled lowly.

                "U-Um. Sister krone, it's best if we put her down." Phil said as he tugged on her dress. She hummed and beamed once again. "if you say so!" Finally, she put you down gently as your feet planted the ground. "Alright, let's head outside!"

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