16. Truth Be Told

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Raymund Seaxe

I looked up to ramble that had just entered my study. I'd heard them coming as soon as they entered the castle, everyone was abuzz with their return. Sylvia stood closest to the table. Clarisse and Brandon were behind her, and I thought I could see Brandon leaning on her. I began to tap my toe silently, "What's happened?"

Sylvia stepped aside dramatically, Brandon's hair had gone white, and the whites of his eyes were black. I hissed and moved away from him, but Brandon was just staring blankly at the wall behind my head. Sylvia grabbed my arm and pulled me closer to my sister and Brandon.

"We were attacked by something." Clarisse's voice quivered. I took in Brandon's face and saw several nail marks against his dark skin. I reach out to touch him, and when I pulled my hand away, it was covered in a sticky black substance. I rolled it between my fingers, "What the hell was it that attacked you?"

Syliva smiled grimly and shook her head. I began to tap my toe with greater intensity, "Clarisse put Brandon on the chair," I sat in the chair and began to massage my jaw. Clarisse sat on the cushions by the window.

"It was, it had a human shape. Ummm, bright glowing violet eyes, it's skin was flawless and grey, and its hair floated around him." Sylvia demonstrated with her hair, I smiled lightly. Sylvia turned to look at Clarisse, and it was like they were having a conversation, "They're coming for Sylvia and her brother." Clarisse said quietly. Sylvia pressed her lips together and pulled them into a smile, "Suprise!"

I groaned internally, "Was it the Emperor that sent them?"


"It was talking about, Sylvia like killing them?" Clarisse offered. I looked over to Brandon as he back straightened as his eyes cleared slightly. He shook his head and leaned forward. His elbow rested on my desk, his voice was raspy, "You need to call the Council of the North, immediately."


He stood and went straight for my bookshelves, "You need to get Adam and Emm down from the cabin, right now, and start preparing for a fight."

"Brandon, what have seen?" I rose from my seat. I could hear the beating of everyone's hearts. They were rampant and lose; I could feel my own fear seep in. "Is the Emperor coming? Has he found out somehow?" Clarisse's voice broke through the sluggish fear. Brandon turned, "Something much much worse..."

I turned to my desk and began writing the letter to call the Council together, "Clarisse, take Sylvia and Lars and fetch Emmielia and Adam. You follow the path straight, and you go ready for a fight."

Clarisse and Sylvia nodded. Sylvia hooked her arm around Clarisse's, and they walked out. Brandon hovered over the desk, "I, Raymund, I think we need to call the Emperor here. The Ienyacki, they're here, and he's the one who knows how to deal with them."

I looked up from the letters, "You're right, but we need to make the Council decide to call for help, otherwise-"

"I know. You know the one bright thing to come from this?" Brandon smiled lightly.


"All the wars we've fought, all the dead. The reasons we did it are real, and not some kids tale."

"So now, the Emperor isn't a deranged psycho but the one who can save us. Great, I'll get my apologies ready." I scratched my head.

His smile reached the rest of his face, "Do you think the grey suits me?"

He twirled and began to model his hair. I couldn't help but laugh, "It helps you with the I'm a grumpy old seer, and you should be afraid of me."

"Mmmm," he exclaimed, "You've reminded me, I need to wear the full get up when the Council and the Emperor comes." Brandon's smile was devious, "There's something you want me to do isn't there?"

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